Can I split Signal from OTA & hook 1 up to 811 & 1 u

HDTV Rookie

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Dec 1, 2003
I currently have a mitsu WS-55613 which has the built in HDTV tuner. If I plug my OTA into it, I can get every local channel. If I plug my OTA antenna into the 811, I can not get the local UPN channel.

I have only 1 coax from the OTA running into the room my setup is in. If I attached a splitter to the end of the coax and run a 2 foot connection to my tv and another 2 foot connection to my 811, will the picture quality suffer? I obviously will not be watching both inputs at the same time?

The teck that installed my 811 said that the PQ would be reduced if I split the signal. Is there not a splitter out there than can pass the signal on as received, or cleanly.

Please let me know any splitter that I can us.

HDTV rookie,
you should'nt notice any loss of PQ by splitting your signal.I have
my OTA split three ways and don't see any difference.I have checked
the PQ on all devices indiviually hooked to the single input and did'nt
notice any loss of PQ when they were split.Go for it.
Rookie, I do it.

My OTA cable comes to the back of the TV. From there, I installed a 2-way splitter and ran one cable to the 811, and the other to my 501. Once I did that, I view the HD locals using the 811, and the analog channels (usually only if there is a problem with the locals DTV signals) through a coax that I ran from the 501 coax out to one of the coax inputs on my TV. The 501 needs to be turned off and I use the TV tuner to change local channels.
A standard 2-way splitter will cause a signal loss of about 3.3dB - depending on the strength of the signal coming in, it could affect the signal quality, but it is not likely to.

Satellite newcomer overwhelmed!

Sony DVD recorder

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