Can't get OTA on newly installed VIP211k


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Original poster
Oct 6, 2011
Cape Girardeau, MO
[FONT=&quot]I am having heinous problems with the OTA feature of my newly installed VIP 211k. I hit “Menu”, “System Setup”, “Local Channels”, and then “Scan Locals”. When scanning is complete, I choose “Select All” and hit “Done”. Then I get Attention message 784 saying “The Off Air Channels that have selected will not appear in the guide until your receiver’s High Definition functionality has been activated. Please call 1-800-333-DISH (3474)” My package is the Welcome Pack (without locals). When I called into Dish Network, the CSR advised me that she could not activate the OTA tuner unless she activated me for High Definition programming, and she can only do if I have the AT120 or higher. I know there are others on here who have the same receiver with the Welcome Pack, and they get their locals via the OTA antenna. Did any of you have the same problem? What am I and/or the CSR doing wrong?[/FONT]
this right here is why
My package is the Welcome Pack (without locals)

You need the locals through Dish to get the OTA to work.....I had the same thing when I got my receiver set up. come to think of it you must be on the Welcome Pack for a long time because they require locals. If you dont mind me asking what do you pay? I pay $14.99 for WP w/locals

If you have access to 129 (assume you have 110/119) the only thing you will get in HD is locals (if applicable) and any freeview channels that are in HD

also when you get done scanning, just hit done. Select all is if you want to delete all the OTA channels ;)
I am having heinous problems with the OTA feature of my newly installed VIP 211k. I hit “Menu”, “System Setup”, “Local Channels”, and then “Scan Locals”. When scanning is complete, I choose “Select All” and hit “Done”. Then I get Attention message 784 saying “The Off Air Channels that have selected will not appear in the guide until your receiver’s High Definition functionality has been activated. Please call 1-800-333-DISH (3474)” My package is the Welcome Pack (without locals). When I called into Dish Network, the CSR advised me that she could not activate the OTA tuner unless she activated me for High Definition programming, and she can only do if I have the AT120 or higher. I know there are others on here who have the same receiver with the Welcome Pack, and they get their locals via the OTA antenna. Did any of you have the same problem? What am I and/or the CSR doing wrong?

Send me a PM with your phone number or account number and I should be able to correct this.



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