CBS Chief Raises Retransmission Revenue Estimate, And Says Aereo’s No Threat


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This should impress Wall Street, although perhaps not the CBS lawyers who likely will tell U.S. Supreme Court justices why it’s so important for them to block the streaming service. CEO Les Moonves told analysts this evening that by 2020 CBS should collect at least $2B a year from cable and satellite companies that want to distribute its programming — up from his previous projection of $1B by 2017. The cash will come from its O&Os as well as reverse compensation payments from affiliates that also charge pay TV distributors that carry their signals.
What happens to those numbers if the cord cutting trend continues? He is banking on the status quo and has his head buried in the sand in hopes that streaming never takes off. I don't see the current cable TV model lasting until 2020.

Comcast said to buy time warner for 44.2 billion

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