CBS HD... How to get a waiver to receive it in Bloomington, Indiana?


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 6, 2004
Sorry if this has been asked before, forgive me, I am a noobie... and I could use some guidance from those of you who have been through this already.

I have the necessary second dish and equipment (811) to receive CBS-HD from the 61.5 satellite.

My problem is that apparently I do not qualify for CBS-HD due to the fact that I am within the claimed broadcast range of WISH-TV Indianapolis. The city that I live in (Bloomington, Indiana) is about 50 miles South (and many high hills away) from Indianapolis, and it seems that I cannot pick up the local OTA signals without resorting to an antenna placed on a tall mast or mounted up on the roof.

Are there any Dish customers out there living in this part of Indiana (South Central) that have had success in obtaining the necessary waiver from WISH-TV to receive CBS-HD via Dish? Or, has anyone from this area been able to have Dish provide you with locals from Louisville, KY rather than Indianapolis? Is there any way to receive both Louisville and Indianapolis programming? It is kind of a toss-up between Indianapolis and Louisville programming as I am sort of in between both cities, but considered by Dish to be local to Indianapolis based on direct mileage.

Thank you in advance for any help.

You would have to get a waiver from WISH in order to get the CBS-HD feed. Sometimes contacting the station engineer or station manager directly will work if you explain your situation. WISH however has no requirement to grant you a waiver and it's not likely that they will.

Welcome to the boards. I am in Bloomington, IN, too. I had to have an off-air antenna installed to get most of the Indy and Louisville channels. It used to be that Bloomington WAS in a white area, until about 6 to 9 months ago, but something changed. There is no way to get the Louisville stations unless you get a waiver and from my experience, this will not happen, but you should at least try by contacting the station directly and then going through DISH.

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