Anyone know when the dp44 will be available?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Jan 11, 2004
Called dish to get the 811 they said they should have some in stock in 2 to 3 weeks..I also qualify for cbs hd which is off 61.5.Currently have the superdish installed to grab 119,110 and 105..So i'm gonna need the dp44 switch to be able to grab 4 sats..I was just gonna throw up a dish 300 to grab the 61.5 sat and run it directly into the 811 and use the 811 for cbs hd till the dp44 is available also will a dish 300 work with the dp44??
lime4x4 said:
..I was just gonna throw up a dish 300 to grab the 61.5 sat and run it directly into the 811 and use the 811 for cbs hd till the dp44 is available also will a dish 300 work with the dp44??
Sure, it is used to pick up a single satellite, typically one of the wing slots at 61.5 or 148. (It is not large enough to get a good signal from the FSS satellites at 105 or 121.) The 811 can take the signal from a legacy or DishPro LNB but you will want to get it with a DishPro Single to later connect to one of the inputs on the DPP44.
lime4x4 said:
Called dish to get the 811 they said they should have some in stock in 2 to 3 weeks..I also qualify for cbs hd which is off 61.5.Currently have the superdish installed to grab 119,110 and 105..So i'm gonna need the dp44 switch to be able to grab 4 sats..I was just gonna throw up a dish 300 to grab the 61.5 sat and run it directly into the 811 and use the 811 for cbs hd till the dp44 is available also will a dish 300 work with the dp44??

During my unceasing efforts to get my SuperDish and 811 installed, I found a very able and understanding contact in the executive CSR office. I emailed him concerning the statement Dish had receivd 10 DP+44 switches on the most recent tech chat. This email was dated wednesday 2/26/2004.

My apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I finally received an answer back in regards to the DP44. At this time they are not releasing the DP44 to customers. The 100 that was mentioned in the Tech Chat are not available to the public at this time. The date for the release is still being projected as March/April.
This is the switch that will allow a single cable to provide support for a dual tuner reciever correct?
normang said:
This is the switch that will allow a single cable to provide support for a dual tuner reciever correct?

What you are thinking of is a Dish pro Plus Diplexor.. which should be unveiled about the same time... the DPP44 is a switch that will allow 4 satellites to 4 recievers... 61.5/110/119/105 (or 121/148 for those of you delayed a few hours in reality ;) )
So is the DP44 (+) include this diplexor? I thought that there was a difference between the DP44 and DP44+... While I would have to upgrade to PRO LNB's to use it, it would make life much simpler if I could use existing cable to later this year install a 921 when the eventual price drops come along...
Thanks for the info guys..One other question is there another switch i could use to combine the inputs from the dp34 and the 61.5 sat?
Will this pro plus diplexor make it able to use one cable to get signal to two boxes in my livingroom? We have a 510 and a 811, and I would like to have them both in the same room, but the wife don't want to see any more holes in the walls...

I'm thinking perhaps there is a way to combine the two cables coming from the dish, OUTSIDE, into one cable, and then, once inside, split it back out to two?

I guess it would be comparable to what you do with OTA antenna, but fear the frequencies for two sats may collide? Or not?

lime4x4 said:
Thanks for the info guys..One other question is there another switch i could use to combine the inputs from the dp34 and the 61.5 sat?


I have two DP-34s. Each switch gets sats. 110 and 119. One switch gets the 61.5 sat and the other the 105 [locals]. This is not optimum as my 811 does not get local channels and my 510 does not get any SD 61.5 but this set up enabled me to watch the Superbowl. A single DP-44 will replace both switches when available.

BobaBird said:
Yes, when used in combination with a DishPro diplexer. See diagram.

Thanks Charles, guess all these products are still a couple months out. They don't seem all that complicated, they've discussed them months ago now, just seems odd they cannot get them to market, seems they would be useful for a number of installations, even if people had to upgrade to Pro LNB's. Sure would make cabling simpler..

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