Certain HD Channels Not Coming In at Night

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 7, 2006
I would appreciate any suggestions regarding my system.

About 2 months ago I purchased an HD televison. At that time, I chose to upgrade to the HR10-250 (not having the patience to wait for the new DVR). I am experiencing a weird situation where some HD channels do not come in while others work fine. (i.e. NBC and CBS HD are functioning while ESPN, FOX and ABC HD have a completely blank screen). This does not occur all the time and is often a problem at night while all channels come in fine during the day.

I have spent several hours on the phone with Direct TV's technical support and run all the usual tests. The transponders are all coming in at or around 100% for all three satellites. Also, on at least three different occasions, I have had service calls where they have replaced the multi-switch and the other connectors.

Unfortunately, since the problem comes and goes, it has been working fine on some of the service calls and the other times it starts to work fine after their adjustments. However, 3 days later it is on the fritz again.

I have another (4th or 5th?) service call set up for Saturday morning. Does anyone have any recommendations on things to look for or what may be causing this problem. I think I saw somewhere on this site that someone mentioned that the temperature could be the cause (for when the temp drops below freezing at night something happens with the transponders).

I feel like it would be best for them to start over with a new dish, new wiring and new receiver box as this has been a very painful process. As you know, each time they set up a visit, you need to give them a 4 hour window. Each time they have shown up towards the end of the 4-hour window or even after the window. One time, they did not show up at all and the guy called to tell me to talk to Direct TV and ask them for a "move" reinstallation.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

Have they ever replaced the LNB or receiver? Have you tried buying a "store bought" line of RG6 and running it directly from the dish to receiver to see if that eliminates the issue?
Have they replaced your LNB? I had one of the first RCA Phase III dishes a few years ago and it would go out anytime the temp dropped below about 28 degrees with no sun out. It was a known issue that the LNB's were bad and couldn't handle the freezing temps. Replaced the LNB and all was good.
Thought he did that: "I have spent several hours on the phone with Direct TV's technical support and run all the usual tests. The transponders are all coming in at or around 100% for all three satellites."
Then two things left - original source of the programs and his receiver.

Also, using DirecTV channel mapping he should come to particular sat/tpns/signal level.
I had the same problem. Multiple service calls, long phone calls with customer service. I was actually able to heat the LNB's with a blow drier to prove that it was a temperature related problem. They replaced the LNB's and I've had no problem since.
Thanks for all of your suggestions. I will try and get the service person to replace the LNBs when they come on Saturday morning. By the way, although I only have one HD television and most of the recent problems have related to the HD channels, I have also seen some issues with other channels as well. Interestingly, I was able to see the channels on my living room television while the bedroom television was not coming in...this may be an unrelated different problem, though.
I just wanted to post an update for what it is worth. I was scheduled for a service call on Saturday between 8 and 12. 12:00 came and went with no service provider. I called DirectTV and, of course, had trouble getting through because it was a Saturday. When I finally spoke with someone (after being transferred to different departments, being disconnected several times and waiting on hold for a total of 3 more hours) I was told that someone from Halsted Communications (their local service provider) had claimed to have been to my house. Of course, I had been home all day with my wife and young daughter and did not see anyone. They asked me to check for any tags on my garage door and front door and of course there were none. They then said they were escalating my service and someone would be out later in the afternoon. No one came and no one called.

I called again this morning and rescheduled for ANOTHER service call for this Saturday. We'll see if they are able to deal with my problem.

However, you really have to wonder about the integrity of a company when they lie about making a service call. This is actually the SECOND time that Halsted Communications has lied about making a service call and not making one. They, of course, also have my phone number to call if they are lost or somehow at the wrong house or something. It is a serious integrity issue and I am very disappointed with both Halsted and DirectTV for this serious service lapse.

If DirectTV didn't have a monopoly on the Sunday Ticket, they would be losing my business. I hope anyone that works at DirectTV on these boards has more integrity than what I have dealt with in the last several weeks.
Just a final update. Last weekend a Direct TV Service Person came to my house and replaced the multi-switch (again) and replaced the LNBs. I have not had trouble with any channels since that time. Also, due to the series of unfortunate events mentioned previously, they credited my account for a hundred bucks. Although I am still bummed about how things were handled, at least it appears my Channels are coming in OK now. It doesn't take much to make me happy - I'm happy again!!
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