Channel Master and Pansat 3500S

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 28, 2005
Texarkana, TX
I keep reading about Channel Master when looking for information on how to get my Pansat 3500S up and running.

What is it, how do I get it and how does it work?

10' BUD, Motorola 450i analog, BEC6600+ digital, 30" Ku Dish, Pansat 3500S, with SG2100 motor.
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How do I download the channel information from my 3500S and how do I upload the Channel Master edited information?

Read your manuals and/or the info pages on in the downloads section. Basically, you can save channel list as a bin file, and then put that on an sd card to move it to and from the computer. You can also use null modem cord (com port on the pc connected to the com port type thing on the back of the pansat) but the sd card is preferred method. If you have a digital camera that uses an sd card, you may already have the card. My pansat came with the card. You have to open the flap in the front to get to the sd card slot.

You basically use sd card more or less like a floppy disk going in to and out of computer - may need to buy an sd card reader for you pc if you don't already have one... or, in some cases, use the cord that came with your camer, and use the camera's slot as the sd card reader as a way to access the files in the pc.
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