Class Action Lawsuit against Dish for Dropping Voom?

Who cares? Voom is dead! Its over. If you want to make another lawyer rich as hell ,Go right ahead. Enough with the Voom crap already. Its freaken TV.

+1 and there is nothing anyone can do here about programming changes. that's it. we all agreed to it when we signed up for Dish. enough with voom and lawsuits. shut the hell up!:eek:

Yeah, the TV claim doesn't fly—I don't think many people would claim to have bought a $2,000 HDTV just to watch Voom. But I do know I chose Dish over Direct solely due to Voom. All the people who say, "It's just TV" should think about how they'd feel if their favorite channels disappeared.
Yeah, the TV claim doesn't fly—I don't think many people would claim to have bought a $2,000 HDTV just to watch Voom. But I do know I chose Dish over Direct solely due to Voom. All the people who say, "It's just TV" should think about how they'd feel if their favorite channels disappeared.
I would switch providers ,Not sue the company.
"Wrong, sir! Wrong! Under section 37B of the contract signed by you, it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if - and you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy - "I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained," et cetera, et cetera...”Fax mentis incendium gloria cultum," et cetera, et cetera...”Memo bis punitor delicatum!" It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! Good day sir!!"

But you need to get this lawsuit idea out of your head. It isn't going to work.

I could not agree more. Is it lousy that VOOM is no longer on Dish? Yeah, sure it is. But this kind of thing happens all the time in TV. When are you going to start suing the networks -- not just protesting, but suing -- because they cancel your favorite show?

It's crazy.

I've worked for lawyers before -- class action lawyers -- and I can say with some certainty that a good lawyer wouldn't touch this case. Even with the contract issue of notice, which might be as much on VOOM as it is on Dish, there's no case here. There will always be some slimy ones who might disagree, and I guess it's these differences that make the world go 'round (and that fuel these forums, to be sure).

I know I'm not adding anything substantive to this discussion, but I did have to chime in. Even as someone who has supported lawsuits in the past and opposed significant judicial reform because people deserve their day in court, I can't get behind this effort. Why? Because the harm is so minimal. And, because there are so many options.

If you really did buy a TV just for VOOM and subscribe to Dish just for VOOM, well, then, sell your TV, cancel your service and go for a drive. Second thought, don't -- you might want to sue the next guy who cuts you off in traffic, even if it doesn't cause an accident or any kind of injury. Sorry, that was a cheap shot.

If you're upset -- I mean really, really upset -- call Dish again. Threaten to leave. Heck, LEAVE. But please, keep it out of the courts. Leave that for someone who has truly been injured by corporate misdeed or greed.
Why such hostility?

I am convinced anybody who thinks I am an idiot or moron for bringing this up either:

A: Does not have Dish Network
B: Has Dish Network and works for the company.
C: Is a zombie

Isn't Dish Network a cable company, which are considered public utilities? I made the argument earlier that if you live in an apartment, and your landlord is in a disagreement with the water company, a public utility, and decides to stop paying the water bill, the water company will shut off the water. All the tenants are now affected. Those tenants have a legal right to sue the landlord. Why should the tenants care what the disagreement is between the landlord and the water company.

Dish Network has a disagreement with Voom. They decided, without prior notice to Dish customers, to pull 75% of their HD commercial free programming provided by Voom because of that disagreement, rather than try and come to some arrangement.

As for anybody who says water is a necessity for life, etc. etc. isn't getting the point. Your cell phone company is lumped under public utilities, that certaintly isn't a necessity, just as cable companies are.

I am in no way trying to say that I specifically bought a $2,000 tv because of Dish. I am saying once I had that $2k TV, I wanted to watch the best possible HD available. I did my research and looked at alternatives, and found Dish Network to be the best specifically because I am a huge film and music fan. Their offering of Monsters HD, Kung Fu, Rave, and Gallery were what made me decide to spend an additional $20 a month PLUS agree to a 2 year contract which I was required to do. I attempted to ask why I had to sign a 2 year contract but was told it was required. Period. End of story.

If you people are quite satisfied with NON HD, BLACK BARS, UP CONVERTED, STRETCHED, COMMERCIAL RIDDLED, PAID PROGRAMMING AFTER MIDNIGHT, mindless garbage, then keep quiet.
dave, if you are this serious, waste your money. People are telling you that you have no leg to stand on in the case. It is as simple as that. You can justify suing Dish all you want, but when you get to court your case will be thrown out and you will wasted a bunch of money.

Dish made a decision to stop carrying those channels, you don't like it so switch services. Otherwise, STFU.
I don't have TV at work, so this thread is the next best thing today. A bunch of entitled wackos crying over 2 companies they have no stake in, taking away their wittle tv channels.

This thread gets 2 thumbs up!

I will say this though, SCI-FI HD was out for a few hours last night, and my Lawyer got the call, sh*t came right back up.


No offense intended but he really needs to have a conversation with an attorney. There are a number of misconceptions. He does not believe us and maybe that is appropriate but perhaps if he speaks to an attorney abot some of thsi he will see it differently.

BTW this is WAY off topic but about a month ago VOOM announced that some of its programming library would become available on what they called "DVDs" i I asume they meant BD but does anyone know where this stands. It would not be all the programming but it would be some.
Again please take a look at

DISH Network -- About Us

Note where it states " All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice"

There is really no grounds for any lawsuit, when you agreed to their terms.

I apologize. I assumed that your earlier reference to a "user agreement" meant the residential agreement. Clearly you were referring to something else. Note the sentence that follows what you listed as well "Number of channels may decline."

to be fair this agreement applies to DHA customers only but I suspect that at least some of those involved are subs to that agreement. In any event the only difference between that and the residential agreement seems to be notice.

In any event please accept my apology
No offense intended but he really needs to have a conversation with an attorney. There are a number of misconceptions. He does not believe us and maybe that is appropriate but perhaps if he speaks to an attorney abot some of thsi he will see it differently.
None taken. Perhaps he really does need to speak to one
I am convinced anybody who thinks I am an idiot or moron for bringing this up either:

A: Does not have Dish Network
B: Has Dish Network and works for the company.
C: Is a zombie


D: Older than you
E: Wiser than you
F: Know what's really important in life.

big props to Dish email

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