Clear Ordered Events before Selling 721


Original poster
Dec 5, 2003
I did a search to see if this was asked before but I couldn't find anything. I'm selling my 721. All PPV purchases have been paid for on it but I noticed it seems to keep track of every event I ever ordered since I got the machine. I admit there's a few on there I'd rather someone not see especially since I'm selling it to a family member. Is there something I can do to clear those out? Thanks for any help.

I just sold my 721, all the events were paid for, but still listed. As far as I know there no way for Dish to clear it out.

There's probably certain criteria that has to be met and maybe the 721 will clear itself.

I had 1 PPV I needed to pay and they couldn't even force that, luckly right before I went to sell it that 1 PPV got "reported"

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