D* & Comcast locals hookup

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2005
Hi, I do not get D* locals where I live. Tried OTA for a year- I am on the fringe and sometimes good, sometimes bad. I am thinking about getting basic comcast for the locals. Can Comcast and D* signals be run on the same line? If so how do I do it? (I have 1 standard and 1HD receiver, no dvrs, and 3LND dish)
I have Cableone and if comcast is anything like them then they will probably want to run a seperate line into your house and put another cable outlet.
yes you can, as long as you get the switches worked out good, since not every switch can pass through the voltage for satellite, and i think that you can just plug in your basic cable into the antenna port of your dtv switch if you have one
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