Database Issue / Slowness / Downtime

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When I try to use the "go to first new post" link, I get a .php window. What's going on? Also, when I try to post using the "submit reply" button, I get a similiar message.
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Yup and I was monitoring it that time. I think I know what the problem is and will try fixing it tonight. :D
I rebooted my 'puter. That seems to have stopped the weirdness.
What's up with the site? Same problems that have been going on?
There have been several times lately where I go to reload a page and I get the text but not the background colors; kind of a weird almost PDA mode look; and then I reload and it usually comes back.

Has happened at work and at home. When it was at work, I chalked it up to the campus' pathethic internet bandwidth, but once it happened at home it made me wonder... is this just something that happens when the internet Slows down, or is it something server side?

Doesn't happen all the time; but sporadically; it did it from home last night.
It's fine now. Every once in a while the site just sits there and spins it's wheels and it caused me to double post earlier.

Must have been my connection or something.
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