Demi Lovato Gets Episodes of "Shake It Up" and "So Random" Pulled from Disney Channel


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 26, 2008
Demi Lovato had a strong negative reaction on Twitter to the Disney Channel show Shake It Up making a joke about an eating disorder. Nick and More has details about it, saying that Disney Channel has now pulled the episodes "Party It Up" from Shake It Up and "Episode 109" of So Random with Colbie Caillat.

demetria lovato

Dec. 24, 2011

"I could just eat you up, well if I ate" - Disney Chanel's Shake It Up.... What are we promoting here? #notfunnyATALL

demetria lovato

Dec. 24, 2011

I find it really funny how a company can lose one of their actress' from the pressures of an EATING DISORDER and yet still make joke about.

Vevo to launch a TV channel that's like the old MTV

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