DirecTV HD DVR upgrade - save $100 for real!

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Apr 26, 2007
If you're a current DirecTV customer and can't swallow the $299 LEASE fee for their HD DVR, read what happened to me and save $100...

I had been looking into the upgrade for several months trying to find the least expensive way to get an HD DVR for DirecTV. The best price I got from their website and from all their phone CSRs was $299 to LEASE the DVR (or $269 at CostCo). Once I called to complain that NEW customers only pay $199 for it and then started to cancel my entire account out of frustration, the phone CSR suddenly offered me a DVR upgrade for $199. WHAT IS THAT?!?!? That's BS!!! She claimed I would get a $100 discount for being a loyal customer and paying my bills on time, but it wasn't until I threatened to CLOSE MY ACCOUNT that I first heard of this offer!

So anyone who currently has DirecTV and wants their HD DVR upgrade... DON'T PAY $299 for it! If you've paid your bills on time, call them and complain, then threaten to cancel your service. They'll turn around and offer you a $100 discount on the spot.

Such shady business tactics! Too bad DirecTV is going to rock the world of HDTV soon.

***On a side note, I do have a DirecTV HD DVR now, and the picture is GREAT. There aren't too many channels yet, but the hardware performs well AND it's much faster and more reliable than their standard def DVR!
I would last about a week if I worked in Retention cause I'd disconnect everyone, I wouldn't give a crap why.
I would last about a week if I worked in Retention cause I'd disconnect everyone, I wouldn't give a crap why.

People, don't go threatning to cancel your sub, unless you are seriously concidering it, because you'll look pretty foolish if they hit the Delete button on your account and you have to tell them you were not serious, they would also have every right to charge you to turn service back on.

People, don't go threatning to cancel your sub, unless you are seriously concidering it, because you'll look pretty foolish if they hit the Delete button on your account and you have to tell them you were not serious, they would also have every right to charge you to turn service back on.


Are you serious? Have you never tried this before? You're missing out! I guarantee you that every phone CSR in the world has an entire script they're REQUIRED to read to a customer who's canceling BEFORE they ever hit the "Delete" key. That script includes enticements to keep the customer on, just like the $100 discount for the DirecTV HD DVR.

This is a really common thing... I've used it to reduce the monthly rate I pay for DSL service, cell phone service and even the rates on my credit cards. Yeah, you can just call your credit card companies and ask them to lower your rates. They usually will, at least once a year or so. Not once, not EVER has some CSR just said, "Ok, you're canceled right now! Goodbye."
People, don't go threatning to cancel your sub, unless you are seriously concidering it, because you'll look pretty foolish if they hit the Delete button on your account and you have to tell them you were not serious, they would also have every right to charge you to turn service back on.


Last November I had installation problems. I didn't exactly threaten to quit, but I did ask the retention folks: "I have a 2-year commitment. At what point is my commitment voided by DirecTV's failure to deliver a competent installation?"

The retention line escalated with promise to call back. When I described my experience they offered the DVR free, with 3 months' free DVR service. That is on top of the previous bones they tossed me earlier that month: 6 months' free Showtime and 6 months' free HD.

Regarding DSL: most providers will give the "new customer" introductory rate at any time, but you have to call and ask for it. It is fairly common. I've had cable guys say the same thing: when the introductory rate expires, call and ask for the current lowest rate and you'll get it.

Granted, asking for a DVR is hardware with fixed expense. Free/discounted service cuts their margin but doesn't hit capital expense budgets.
Last November I had installation problems. I didn't exactly threaten to quit, but I did ask the retention folks: "I have a 2-year commitment. At what point is my commitment voided by DirecTV's failure to deliver a competent installation?"

The retention line escalated with promise to call back. When I described my experience they offered the DVR free, with 3 months' free DVR service. That is on top of the previous bones they tossed me earlier that month: 6 months' free Showtime and 6 months' free HD.

That's awesome! Good for you.

See people? The special offers to keep you on as a customer are out there, you just have to stand up for your rights and ASK FOR/DEMAND them when you feel you've been cheated or treated poorly! DirecTV is just hoping no one has the nerve to ask. If you don't ask about them, you're only hurting yourself.

I should have complained more when they sold me their standard-def R15 DVR in Dec 2005. The initial firmware that ran that thing was HIDEOUS! It crashed daily and often times recorded 30 minutes of black screen with no sound. Had I called and complained (instead of sending lame emails through their website) I could have gotten a bunch of free stuff!
well, here's hoping you don't piss the wrong person off at the wrong time!! you know . because i would hate to see someone get pissed at you and make your account go poof!!

i'm not saying people don't have legitimate complaints. but you can take something too far. then, we want to know.....get my drift?
I've read the OP comments several times and am always brought back to this point:

In whatever job we all work in, we deal with customers in one way or another. One day a customer comes in and is upset with their service/product/whatever. In an effort to keep your customer happy, you offer to correct the problem and offer them an additional incentive to remain a customer.

Your customer then goes and posts what happened to him on the internet and tells everyone there to come to your business and do the same thing to get the same deal. In their post on the internet, they state that they were never going to quit being your customer but threatened to do so in an effort to get you to lower your prices.

What's going to happen to your business/employees/profits/whatever?

Sorry, but I agree with iceturkee on this one. If you get a deal, then that's great but remember D* is under no obligation to provide the same deal to everyone that calls them.
If you're a current DirecTV customer and can't swallow the $299 LEASE fee for their HD DVR, read what happened to me and save $100...

I had been looking into the upgrade for several months trying to find the least expensive way to get an HD DVR for DirecTV. The best price I got from their website and from all their phone CSRs was $299 to LEASE the DVR (or $269 at CostCo). Once I called to complain that NEW customers only pay $199 for it and then started to cancel my entire account out of frustration, the phone CSR suddenly offered me a DVR upgrade for $199. WHAT IS THAT?!?!? That's BS!!! She claimed I would get a $100 discount for being a loyal customer and paying my bills on time, but it wasn't until I threatened to CLOSE MY ACCOUNT that I first heard of this offer!

So anyone who currently has DirecTV and wants their HD DVR upgrade... DON'T PAY $299 for it! If you've paid your bills on time, call them and complain, then threaten to cancel your service. They'll turn around and offer you a $100 discount on the spot.

Such shady business tactics! Too bad DirecTV is going to rock the world of HDTV soon.

***On a side note, I do have a DirecTV HD DVR now, and the picture is GREAT. There aren't too many channels yet, but the hardware performs well AND it's much faster and more reliable than their standard def DVR!

You seem to have a different story depending on which forum you are posting on! On another forum you have a completely different story on how you got your HR20 for the $199 by starting up a new user account at the same address as your present one by making a slight change to your addy and name and then cancelling your original account. Far different than what you have posted here :confused: . Listen up ! If you had done a little research you could have saved the trouble of going through the shenanigans you did and most likely could have received a better deal than you did. Many folks on here have received the HR20 at a net cost of a whole lot less than $199! You didn't fare too well when compared to those who went about their upgrade with honesty and integrity and beat the hell out of your "deal"! :D
you know, truthfully, most current directv customers can probably get the same deal if their bills are paid on time, they have a high degree of programming and they ask nicely.

it isn't like you got a special deal because you bitched!!

ETA: i agree with previous many people have gotten the hr20 for nothing or next to nothing!!
you know, truthfully, most current directv customers can probably get the same deal if their bills are paid on time, they have a high degree of programming and they ask nicely.

it isn't like you got a special deal because you bitched!!

ETA: i agree with previous many people have gotten the hr20 for nothing or next to nothing!!

I started a whole thread about this. BE NICE. You would be suprised what you get. It may take some negotiating but I bet if you said hey Mr/Mrs CSR...I noticed that new customers can lease the HD DVR for $199 yet I am forced to pay $299 and that doesnt sit right with me. Is there someone I can talk to about getting the same deal?

Id bet that 99 out of 100 times youd come out a winner.
i'm not disagreeing with you boston. my comment was directed to the person who started this thread, saying he got a great deal because he threatened to leave. in reality, he wasn't!!
Or you can just be nice and agree to pay the full list price.

I did since DirecTV invested a lot of money into developing this new receiver and they deserve to recover part of their investment.
They offered it to me 10 times already...finally took them up on it this week. I agree most can get it if they just ask.
Or you can just be nice and agree to pay the full list price.

I did since DirecTV invested a lot of money into developing this new receiver and they deserve to recover part of their investment.

Exactly Bruce. Im sure when you shop for you car you pay list price too. After all there are a lot of people that need to get paid for manufacturing that car.

I am a real estate developer. A condominium converter more specifically, and when Im selling a complex with 40 or 50 units everyone always offers list price because after all it was my money that developed those condominiums.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I dont think you even have to ask..if you go to the dtv website get on your account and hit the upgrade my system link i would be willin to bet that most every regular on this forum will see they can get it for 199!
I know a lot of cases where nicely asking for a deal, not threatening to cancel, people have gotten them for $199 or even a better deal. Sometimes sugar goes further than vinegar.
I was not under contract, and owned an HR10-250, I called DirecTV and transferred straight to retention, I politely asked for the best deal to get an HR20, the offered me a swapout for $99 with a $100 credit on my bill.

The point of my story is... when you call DirecTV, be honest, be nice and don't make threats you don't intend to follow through on, it isn't necessary and you will probably get a better deal this way.

For example, I was a service manger for a PC repair shop for several years, when people were rude and pushy, I was less inclined to give them deals, the people that were nice...they got the deals.;)
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