DirecTV2PC Working Again!

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 2, 2012
Pocatello Idaho
Hi all.. Just a Quick heads up..
I was just cleaning the mouse on my 'puter, and in the process, inadvertently opened DirecTV2PC.. to my surprise, All the recordings, including the Folders that hold the series recordings, showed up!!
They've been missing for a few months, and I'd given up on it...
So, I'd thought I'd let everyone know, in case you, like me, had given up on it too!
I've got an HR34 (Genie) BTW...
No such luck here, yes it opens and shows the playlist, but when I attempt to play something it loads, plays about 2 seconds of audio then crashes. I only tried it on the new Win8 laptop, maybe if I get bored I'll go try it on the desktop that is still running 7
Might be due to Windows 8.. I'm running Win 7 64 bit.
The problem I'd been having was folders not showing up in the DirecTV2PC playlist.. Didnt even think about Windows 8.
I'd tried the Windows 8 preview and decided earlt on to stay as far away from it as possible.. just not my cup of tea.
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Current Dish Sub Looking To Switch

What is this connected to my Genie?

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