DIRT Assistance Request

Sent Mary B a pm about the 922 and the Sling adapter rebate but haven't heard back.
I don't post because I can usually find my answer buy searching or chat. Haven't been having much luck with chat over at Dish so I thought I would try a pm.
Apparently not.

Does it cause your ulcer(s) to flare up?

I'm betting that this is how they avoid multiple team members responding to the same query.

That's about right :D

Sent Mary B a pm about the 922 and the Sling adapter rebate but haven't heard back.
I don't post because I can usually find my answer buy searching or chat. Haven't been having much luck with chat over at Dish so I thought I would try a pm.

Mary is off today, and was off Sunday/Monday as well, so I assure you you aren't being ignored. You can PM me as well if you'd like, or Mary will be in tomorrow


Sling Adapter with 722

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