Dish 500 signal loss


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 30, 2004
I have a Dish 500 (dual LNB) with 2 receivers. The past 2 days, the signal from 119 has been lost and a switch test says the 'even' input from the 119 sat is not working. Okay, here's the odd part: if I switch on receiver1 and receiver2 to a sat 119 channel simultaneously, then I get a signal (switch test passes). If I switch any one receiver off or change to a sat 110 channel, I lose the sat 119 signal on the other receiver. The two receivers don't have to be on the same channel, just both on a sat 119 signal to work. Help? Is this a SW21 switch problem? If so, how does one switch affect the other? The connections are all separate for the 2 receivers.
Any ideas would help.
I assume you have two sw21s ith the dual setup. So try trading the sw21s and see if the problem follows. While doing this trade be sure all the connectors are clean of corrsion and tight.
Problems with split switch

I have a Dish 500 with a split switch enabling two satellite feeds on 110 and 119. The problem I am experiencing is that the feed for 110 is a weaker signal than 119 but still above 50%. When experiencing a power loss or reset the Dish 500 will only read channels on 119. Even if we change the satelitte setup to 110 West and find a transponder with a greater signal the switch will go to 119 when we cancel out of the screen. The signal is there but is there any way of setting 110 as a default or telling a switch from the settings which satellite to read and actually hard set it?
Melody said:
I have a Dish 500 with a split switch enabling two satellite feeds on 110 and 119. The problem I am experiencing is that the feed for 110 is a weaker signal than 119 but still above 50%. When experiencing a power loss or reset the Dish 500 will only read channels on 119. Even if we change the satelitte setup to 110 West and find a transponder with a greater signal the switch will go to 119 when we cancel out of the screen. The signal is there but is there any way of setting 110 as a default or telling a switch from the settings which satellite to read and actually hard set it?
Contact your dealer you need to get the dish realigned your signal strength is too low.

who has the best receivers?

Dreaded "scrolling white lines"

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