Its nice to post some good news about Dish Network!
Just got word that as of April 7th Dish Network has dropped the $5 a month HD Enabling fee down to $0!
Customers who had ViP MPEG4 receivers but did not subscribe to HD packages had to pay this $5 a month fee to watch HD locals and HD premium channels.
Its great to see this fee go away... Now only if they got rid of the Per DVR fee...
Just got word that as of April 7th Dish Network has dropped the $5 a month HD Enabling fee down to $0!
Customers who had ViP MPEG4 receivers but did not subscribe to HD packages had to pay this $5 a month fee to watch HD locals and HD premium channels.
Its great to see this fee go away... Now only if they got rid of the Per DVR fee...