Dish Installation Question


New Member
Original poster
Jul 23, 2004
I am looking to switch from cable to one of the satellite systems in a couple months. I am considering a ground pole mount rather than a roof mount for the dish as I have an un-obstructed view to the south. My question is: What diameter pipe or tubing is recommended......what is the largest diameter pole I could install that the satellite dish will clamp onto? any thoughts and recommendations appreciated...this is my first post....thanks...

mikewo6o said:
I am looking to switch from cable to one of the satellite systems in a couple months. I am considering a ground pole mount rather than a roof mount for the dish as I have an un-obstructed view to the south. My question is: What diameter pipe or tubing is recommended......what is the largest diameter pole I could install that the satellite dish will clamp onto? any thoughts and recommendations appreciated...this is my first post....thanks...


A standard chain link fence post will work fine.
Search sounds familiar!

I too was looking for a mounting post for a satellite dish. I came across this manufacturer and went to Home Depot to get the 6"X6"X8' Impact post. < > I have already put the post into the ground with about 12 bags of concrete mix (18"X48" deep). I will have the dish installed next week. I will post results as to how this post is holding up, especially when the temp gets to below 0º around here.
Lyle :shocked
The SBCA recommend not installing a dish on a wood post unless its supported at top and bottom (like a deck) But after looking at the above product I would be interested to see how it performs over the years, they say it will not bend or twist as regular wood does. I use steel pipe 1 11/16" or 1 5/8" filled to the top with concrete, they don't bend or give, much.
I'll keep all of you informed!

I will post a picture when I get a chance to. Also, the post seems more solid than any wooden posts I have come across. Oh! another thing, the post was purchased at "Farm and Home", not Home Depot. I talked to the US rep. in Winnepeg Canada and he said that using the post for satellite mounting was going to be a first for him but mentioned that because of the size of the post, it would have much more stability than any other substance he could think of. The only thing that he said that they have come across was that when mounted horizontally they have a tendancy to shrink (like on a fence row) in the winter. But he said that put into the ground, and the size and mass of the post, he sees no significant problem.
Lyle :yes
Dish300/500 uses 1 5/8" diameter poles. SuperDish Type I uses 2" diameter poles and SuperDish Type II uses 2 3/8" diameter poles. Metal poles with concrete would be better to use than a wood pole in concrete.
We're up and running!

I finally finished the Satellite minifarm. I hope the photos are available to see. I haven't posted photos before, so if these do not appear, let me know what I did wrong. The pix are #1, the post as it is purchased, ( the Xpotential) #2, the layout of the area of the landscape, #3, the "planter" and the conduit for the coax and ground, (the red wire is all they had, it will be taped green), and #4, The finished layout. I extended the conduit for the coax up the post, and ran the ground wire too for a more finished look. I ran 4 coax from the DishPro Quad to my recievers, using only 2. One to the 811 and the other to the 510. I will leave the others for the future 2 tuner recievers, when the bugs and price come down. Thanks for the great responces. It really helped to decide how to design this project.
I only posted the last 2 pix, the files were too big and I haven't learned to compress yet. Sorry
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LOVE the setting and oooh, the fruit tree as well. Think is apple.

Saw some shadow of tree over the dish, if it is below 20 ft, need to be trim a bit. or it will loss some signal.

Building A Superdish

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