Dish really has it figured out...


On Vacation
Original poster
Jul 17, 2010
Id like to downgrade, but a few are on the 250. Almost all are on the 200 with barely a 10 buck savings. I even looked over at the Direct website one has all of them I want, but the prices go over more then what I pay now. I think dish puts certain channels on the higher tiers on purpose, in which that angers me and makes me want to dump them completely instead. Would they rather lose a sub instead? Why be so sleazy dish?
You call Dish sleazy, yet it would cost you more to go somewhere else..... Of course ALL the providers put certain popular channels in the higher tiers. Car manufactures "bundle" some of the more popular features together with less popular ones. Sears puts some more wanted features in the higher priced appliances, I could go on but you probably get the point.
Where are you gonna go? You just said DirecTV offers the channels you want for more money.
So you both are defending high prices and rate hikes? All I ever see on those channels are the same thing repeated all the time and most of the other channels are just garbage fill. That is absolutely insane. I cringe to think of the rate hike after price freeze is over, it could possibly be the largest price hike beating all other providers.
Not really defending anything - but why have different packages if they offer nothing? If the $50 package had 95% of what I watched and all they added to the platinum package was FishTV, PlantTV and a yule log channel - how many subscribers would you expect to sign up for an extra $30 a month?
The providers are the ones that determine what tier and cost they want their channels packaged in. If the content providers are adamant about getting a certain price for their channels then it's probably going into a higher tier. If they want to drop the cost of the channel to get more viewers then it will probably get moved to a lower tier.
Why is BET in the Top200 Package?

A day doesn't go by that I speak to an African American customer and have to hear them complain that BET is in the Top200 package. Because of this alot of African Americans will go with the Top200 package.

The point here is that, if they put all the most popular channels in the lower tier package, then people would not subscribe to the higher Tier packages, and its the higher Tier packages where Dish makes all their money.

Personally I got Americas Everything pack at my house. I absolutly never watch any of the premium movie channels, and I probably get away with Top200 as there are very few channels I watch. Yet, I subscribe to the top package because I got the money to pay for it and when I sit down and watch TV I want to be able to watch what I want to watch.

There is really 3 types of customers...

#1 Customers who buy based on price, which will take the lowest package to save the most money.

#2 Customers who customize what they watch, and will get the right size package for their needs

#3 People like me who just don't care and want everything, so they can watch what they want to watch when they want to watch tv.
Why is BET in the Top200 Package?

A day doesn't go by that I speak to an African American customer and have to hear them complain that BET is in the Top200 package. Because of this alot of African Americans will go with the Top200 package.

The point here is that, if they put all the most popular channels in the lower tier package, then people would not subscribe to the higher Tier packages, and its the higher Tier packages where Dish makes all their money.

Personally I got Americas Everything pack at my house. I absolutly never watch any of the premium movie channels, and I probably get away with Top200 as there are very few channels I watch. Yet, I subscribe to the top package because I got the money to pay for it and when I sit down and watch TV I want to be able to watch what I want to watch.

There is really 3 types of customers...

#1 Customers who buy based on price, which will take the lowest package to save the most money.

#2 Customers who customize what they watch, and will get the right size package for their needs

#3 People like me who just don't care and want everything, so they can watch what they want to watch when they want to watch tv.

1. The poor or near poor class.

2. What's left of the so called "middle class", trying to get by .

3. The Rich class or those who live like they are rich.

I fall in number 2 group and can't wait till they launch programming packs with OUT Sports, so I can save more money . Then I might be able to add another premium movie pack.
Dish Network offers the widest available selection of channels. Go to Directv, they have a single cheap one, then all the others are $60+ a month? Dish Network has about what eight or ten choices of packages (including Latino which offers English channels)? Dish allows their customers a better opportunity to choose which package fits their budget and programming desires.

Yeah, it'd be great if every channel I wanted was available on the lowest tier. If everyone had the lowest tier and all the channels they wanted, the lowest tier wouldn't be the lowest tier.
Dish Network offers the widest available selection of channels. Go to Directv, they have a single cheap one, then all the others are $60+ a month? Dish Network has about what eight or ten choices of packages (including Latino which offers English channels)? Dish allows their customers a better opportunity to choose which package fits their budget and programming desires.

Yeah, it'd be great if every channel I wanted was available on the lowest tier. If everyone had the lowest tier and all the channels they wanted, the lowest tier wouldn't be the lowest tier.

I never mentioned anything about lowest tier. The 200 almost fits, but a 10 buck drop still doesnt do much. I have been on the 250 one the whole time. They need to do a seperate sports tier. Maybe then it will be decently priced.
Id like to downgrade, but a few are on the 250. Almost all are on the 200 with barely a 10 buck savings. I even looked over at the Direct website one has all of them I want, but the prices go over more then what I pay now. I think dish puts certain channels on the higher tiers on purpose, in which that angers me and makes me want to dump them completely instead. Would they rather lose a sub instead? Why be so sleazy dish?

They all do. Months ago we went through the bill to see what we could cut. Going from AT250 to AT120 w/ encore package would only end up saving $20/month.

NOT worth it at all considering the number of channels lost. Before AT250, it was the Everything Pack, but movies were hardly ever watched and replaced by Netflix.

"Go Big or Go Home" was probably the motto when these packages were put together.
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I sometimes wonder what the people who complain about these things do for a living. There is no way they are invovled with any kind of business. You need to have a better understanding of how these things work before you come on here complaining about it.

I would be the third type of customer. Not because I am rich or act like I am but because I sell the product I like to know what I am selling. I also like to be able watch what I want to watch. I choose to be cheap with other things in my life, like vehicles. I could care less what vehicle I drive to work.
Scherrman has hit the nail on the head. I am surprised daily by people posting on this forum who seem to have no idea of how the real world works. Of course, I don't like to pay high prices either, but who would walk into a Mercedes dealership and expect to pay compact car prices for a top end automobile. Somehow some people seem to think that Dish should give their product away. The are some who are constantly harping about receiver fees and wondering what Dish will charge for the new xip recievers. In every other business, if you get the top of the line you pay more for it. Satellite television is no exception. The good thing is that Dish has a broad range of packages with various price points. We can buy what we want or need. Don't expect them to give it away. No one is entitled to anything when it comes to television.

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