Dish VIP Receiver Updates Multiple Times A Day

If any Dish customers still have 722s, 222s, 612s receivers and refuse to upgrade to Hopper/Joey/Wally system, do they qualify for 211s receivers if their 722s/222s/612s die? There are a lot of 211z receivers on and as well. However we still call them 211s because they’re in 211 family.

I’ll tell you the truth. Hopper Joey systems are very good except Hopper 1s are terribly slow unless a snap is installed.

I saw Dish no longer wants Hopper 1s returned back to them on Also, Joeys 2.0 has been discontinued because it’s not listed on return to dish section on

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If any Dish customers still have 722s, 222s, 612s receivers and refuse to upgrade to Hopper/Joey/Wally system, do they qualify for 211s receivers if their 722s/222s/612s die? There are a lot of 211z receivers on and as well. However we still call them 211s because they’re in 211 family.

I’ll tell you the truth. Hopper Joey systems are very good except Hopper 1s are terribly slow unless a snap is installed.

I saw Dish no longer wants Hopper 1s returned back to them on Also, Joeys 2.0 has been discontinued because it’s not listed on return to dish section on

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No a 211 cannot be swapped in place. But you could purchase one then deactivate your other receiver(s).

Joey2 are still being used, it's the Joey1s that dish doesn't want back anymore.
If any Dish customers still have 722s, 222s, 612s receivers and refuse to upgrade to Hopper/Joey/Wally system, do they qualify for 211s receivers if their 722s/222s/612s die? There are a lot of 211z receivers on and as well. However we still call them 211s because they’re in 211 family.

I’ll tell you the truth. Hopper Joey systems are very good except Hopper 1s are terribly slow unless a snap is installed.

I saw Dish no longer wants Hopper 1s returned back to them on Also, Joeys 2.0 has been discontinued because it’s not listed on return to dish section on

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My experience with DISH had only been with the Hopper 1 aka Hopper 2000 from November 7, 2012 to February 7, 2016 and the Hopper 3 from February 7, 2016 until currently. I have never had a SNAP and only learned what a SNAP is a few weeks ago here on the forums so not sure how it differs speedwise as I have never had the experience with the SNAP on a Hopper 1/Hopper 2000 to make a comparison. I have also never had Joey's as I have only one DISH box so not sure if one would only see the performance difference only with the Joey with or without the SNAP.
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SNAP module is not needed with, and will not work with, the Hopper 3.
I know, I meant I don't have the experience with the SNAP module on the Hopper 1 (Hopper 2000) and I only have a Hopper DVR, either the Hopper 1 before or the Hopper 3 now so I don't know what performance the SNAP would have on a Hopper 1 (Hopper 2000) only without any clients.
I’m pretty sure Dish will require all vip receiver customers to upgrade to Hopper/Joey system or Wally on a future smartcard swap, is this possible one year? If so this will be about 10 years later.

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I’m pretty sure Dish will require all vip receiver customers to upgrade to Hopper/Joey system or Wally on a future smartcard swap, is this possible one year? If so this will be about 10 years later.

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I think Dish does'nt need to incur the added expense of replacing working receivers that would continue to work into the future for really no good reason.
Unless there is some change in modulation or such that ViP recievers can't handle - if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Right, smartcard swaps- when was the last time they did one of those? I recall at least a couple they did back when they were getting hit with piracy, but I also haven't heard of any piracy since then. I mean like over 10 years back...

I remember 622's being buggy. Anyway, I had a 612 that was always acting up. It finally gave out altogether and I swapped in an unused 722k I had left over from being dealer. Probably a reman. Has worked flawlessly. I haven't looked, but you can't find 722k's anymore?
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Just figured I'd add this since the thread hasn't died completely yet. It took a couple weeks to get this resolved, but it has worked out nicely in the end.

I had my tech visit last Monday (18th) The tech couldn't have been cooler. The connection and dish were fine, but that was just me hoping to eliminate every possible option, I was pretty sure it was ready for retirement.

As most suggested, it was the receiver being buggy, the tech said it could potentially keep running as it was indefinitely (if I really preferred to keep dealing with the inconveniences as I had been) or it could die tomorrow, and strongly suggested replacement.

I explained the situation to her, wanting to keep the VIP receivers setup and not upgrade to the Hopper and it turns out while she didn't currently have any on the truck, (she had replaced many in the past so it wasn't unusual to her) she was sure she could get a replacement 722, either through her own dispatch or DISH employees she was connected to in other counties. She said she would put the order through and said I should know something in about a week.

And... I got the 722 from UPS yesterday , working great so far.

I guess, in some situations, it can come down to finding the right person in the chain, in case this comes up for anyone else where customer service says they won't do a VIP replacement, as mine was.

Thanks again for the help
Thanks for all the replies.

Yes, sadly, I know the 622 and VIP's in general are slowly edging to extinction, haha.

The setup I have is shared by a multiple family home, we have two VIP722k's and then this VIP622 on two dishes (all legally installed by a Dish tech) I know the Hopper 3 can handle a situation like that with multiple Joeys, but it gets complicated with so many individual users if there's only 1 single hub that gets shared.

There would be no issue with upgrading this box to a 722, if Dish had them, but I'm sure that likely won't happen. I initially was shopping for a VIP722 actually, but as I mentioned... finding a VIP that is 'unlocked' and can be activated on an account out in the wild for sale is difficult. I was looking to buy in the first place, because, when I was replacing my old 722 that had died, back in 2020, Dish wouldn't replace it with similar... I just got the "Hopper is so much better and can serve the whole home" spiel and how these VIP receivers aren't made any longer, etc.

I bought a yard sale 722 on eBay that said it was used but only a few years old and recently deactivated, but then found out, the hard way, how Dish permanently locks them from further use when I went to hook it up and activate, I get the why behind this, but still frustrating, especially after money wasted. So when the 622 showed up as new old stock, it was fine by me.

I'll let the old girl keep running for awhile, as I look around for a new old stock option, or cave in and call Dish again, and see if I can find a more reasonable Rep. I back up anything important to the external of course, and so far it's doing fine when the receiver is always left live, so I always leave it on for the hours I'm home even if the actual TV is off, it just gets frustrating to be locked out for half an hour or so when I go to watch TV if it's been off and has initiated the sequence.

Appreciate the help!
I still have a VIP211k. They have the built in OTA tuner as well as the outboard HDD. A nice package all together. I bought my original in 2009. If this one dies, I would buy another. I will use them until Dish no longer allows it. As that point, I may go to a streaming service.
I still have a VIP211k. They have the built in OTA tuner as well as the outboard HDD. A nice package all together. I bought my original in 2009. If this one dies, I would buy another. I will use them until Dish no longer allows it. As that point, I may go to a streaming service.
I just sold the 211K I bought in 2008 a few months ago. I hadn't used it since 2013, and forgot I had it stored away in a shed at our NY cottage until a fellow camper asked me if I knew where he could buy one for a spare. I pulled it out when I got back to the our cottage site, hooked it up and checked it out, and shipped it out to him the same day.

Skip or short freeze on live Hopper 3 viewing?

Dish home interactive ch. 100 on vip receivers