Dishplayer Program Guide Problem


Original poster
Oct 16, 2003
I have the dishplayer 7200. My program guide keeps getting entries added at the last of the channel display with no channel number and the words "No programming". I am now up to 6 screens worth and it keeps growning.

Called Dish and they told me to turn it off, unplug it, and then wait 15 minutes, and then turn it back on and it would download new software and be fixed, but that did not fix the problem.

Anyone know how to fix this?
Try this...

Turn it off...

Press the option button on your remote twice...

Then press in 7225000

If you did it correctly the lights on the front of your Dishplayer should blink.

Now power your unit on. It should download a guide in about 10 minutes. :)

"New Customer" problem solved.

Best way to copy from 508

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