Here is the website address of Dish's FCC filing on E-14 that will be launched to the 119 W slot:
Here is the website address of Dish's FCC filing on E-14 that will be launched to the 119 W slot:
Sadly, it looks like they didn't provide the GIMS database file they cited with the contours.
Certainly sounds like a great sat. 51 spotbeams (up from 15). 103 TWTAs. Similar power capabilities with 84 150-watt TWTAs, plus a few smaller for the spots. I believe E11 uses 88 150 watt TWTAs. A lot of flexibility.
In trying to interpret some of the details from the filing it appears that there are 113 TPs for spotbeam capability i.e., TPs number 65 - 178 (see page 6 of the filing). I have to believe this is the most complex satellite Dish has ever had built and based on the power numbers, more capably than even Ciel-2. I have to believe it has to be launched on a Zenit by Sea Launch because of its weight.
My guess is that if Dish is filing this now, that the launch of E-14 is either scheduled for late this year or very early in 2010. Dish did create some problems for themselves when they filed for E-10 very late, within 3 months of the scheduled launch and there were some interference issues with the DirecTV TPs at 110 W. These were resolved but I think Dish learned their lesson.
6308 KG loaded with fuel
OK then... But whatever happened to E13? Too unlucky to build?![]()
A first look at the Echostar 14 Conus Footprint.
Red is about 40 dBw.
Mexico City viewers are not going to be happy with a dBw of about 30.
If Echo 13 was not going to get launched then why not name this one going up Echo 13?
It was for the Chinese (S band if I remember correctly), failed the tech specs and is laying in a warehouse. They are talking of scrapping it.
It was for the Chinese (S band if I remember correctly), failed the tech specs and is laying in a warehouse. They are talking of scrapping it.
I think 6,000 kg is around the limit for Sea Launch. I think 4,200 is around the limit for Proton, so it is obviously out. This might be a job for Ariane 5 or Atlas V. Atlas V last year did a heavier SS/L sat than E14.
There is the possibility of Dish squeezing it on a Zenit-3. I think Sea Launch has been trying to upgrade their vehicle for larger payloads. Their website though says payload capacity of 6100+ kg.