Sure hope he's smart enough to use it, and then put up Jessie and Natalie on the block, and hopefully Natalie will be talking to Julie. The best part will be to see what Chima does, she's supposed to have told BB production that they better be ready with the censor button if that happens since she's going to create a scene line BB hasn't seen before.
I think the majority of people want to see him use the power if nothing else to set the house upside down and see all the rats scurry for cover. I'm sure CBS will delay the live feed by 10 seconds to avoid any issues from the FCC. If they slip CBS and Chima are open to huge fines if she uses the kind of language they use on BBAD.
If Jeff does not use his power...then whatever follows him he allowed to happen. He has said from the get-go to get Jessie and Nat out. I do believe that he will use the power on Jonny Bravo and Stinky(j/k). Oh wow Nat will be a hellion next week. :devil: