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Peter Parker

Formerly Geronimo
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Lifetime Supporter
Sep 9, 2003
I would like to makea donation as I use the site but I cannot get the online form to accept it. It keeps telling me that information is incomplete without saying what is faulty and all required fields (marked witha star) are filled in.

Is there any other option? I would do this privately but I suspect it affects others. If there is a notice aboutt his somewhere that I missed I apologize.
That si exactly the form I was sent to by the site. It shows everything filled in but says that there is incomplete info. Is there an actual snail mail address. you can contact me privately. I just thought that it might affect others.
Dont know what info it would be looking for. That form is from paypal.

You can just try to bypass the form by pay paling to scott@satelliteguys (dot) us

Change the (dot) to a . and remove the spaces. :)

Thanks for your support.
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What Happened To The Radio?

is anyone else seeing a couple problems here using Firefox?

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