DP44 will not work with my diplexer


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Sep 16, 2003
Heres the situation i have my locals via comcast and then i have a new dish 721 i want to start using to replace my 508 all i have is one cable feeding my 508 now (using diplexer now ) Am i able now to use my diplexer with my new 721 and dp44 only have one cable..
davemanfl said:
Heres the situation i have my locals via comcast and then i have a new dish 721 i want to start using to replace my 508 all i have is one cable feeding my 508 now (using diplexer now ) Am i able now to use my diplexer with my new 721 and dp44 only have one cable..

The DishPro Plus 44 switch (DPP44) only works to combine and separate the signal on one line for DishPro Plus receivers. That would mean: 522, 322, and 921. The 721 still has to have two feeds.
Scott Greczkowski said:
The 721 is also DishPro Plus compatable.

I am not sure if you can use a diplexor with the DPP44 or not.

Interesting. I was told that it was not DPP compatible since it was introduced a couple years before DPP technology came out.

Did they update this with a software release?

That will be great news if it's true.
Mainstreet said:
Interesting. I was told that it was not DPP compatible since it was introduced a couple years before DPP technology came out.

Did they update this with a software release?

That will be great news if it's true.

Yup I have my 721 hooked up through my DPP44 and it works great. :)
Just FYI, DP+ support was just added to the 921 with L186 in mid-July. In other words, fancy E* labels and paint don't mean crap - about the only one you can count on is the DP logo on an LNBF.

Meanwhile, back at the OP's question :)

He should be able to use a diplexor just fine - same as with ordinary DishPro. There's no electrical difference, just commands. I always put them on the 'inside' of the run:

DPP+44 ---> PowerInserter ---> Diplexer ---> Diplexer ---> Separator ---> Receiver

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