Dr Who s05e12 - The Pandorica Opens


Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
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Lifetime Supporter
Aug 16, 2004
Peachtree City, GA
Part 1 of the series finale.

Rumored to include the return of many of the Doctor's enemies, including the Original Cybermen from Mondas.

Also features River Song and the young Amelia Pond from The Eleventh Hour
along with Rory
Philip Madoc is appearing in the episode.

He played the War Lord in Patrick Troughton's final episode and as Doctor Solon in Tom Baker's episode featuring the renegade Time Lord Morbius.

Either role would be interesting. Especially if it was as the War Lord, which would indicate that the Pandorica is where his race was trapped into.
Might as well watch it. You will probably have to watch it a couple of times to try and figure out how they are going to get out of this one. I am sure there were some hints in the episode that will take a few viewings to catch.
Might as well watch it. You will probably have to watch it a couple of times to try and figure out how they are going to get out of this one. I am sure there were some hints in the episode that will take a few viewings to catch.
Wound up watching it last night. Will be interesting to see how they get out of it.