Dumb Question Concerning 90cm Dish

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
Waterloo, Iowa
Here is a dumb question - If I were to get a 90 CM Fortec dish, can I just swap out the reflector with my Fortec 80cm Dish? I am not sure if the mounting holes would line up, or if the arm is the same length. Just curious. THANKS!
Hate to say this, but for lining reasons, it's best to take the dish assembly down. You don't have to take the mount down. I actually had to do a swap out when my dish got bent from my mishandling.

Long story short, I can only recommend you take the dish down from the mount, disassemble old reflector, and re-assemble new one. Careful not to bang into stuff while on the ground or on the roof. |
You CAN'T just replace the reflector as the focal distance will not be the same, EVERYTHING must be changed :(
(digging through my camera pics)

ha. found it

Here is the arm length difference between a 80cm and 90cm (the 90cm has the LNB on it)

and the difference in the arm for mounting

and the difference in dish size :)


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Odd. Sorry for the bad advice. When I received my replacement, parts we're EXACTLY the same. Only difference was the reflector. 1st one was supposedly a 33" then my replacement ended up being a 31". Maybe this whole time I actually did have a 31". Just keep in mind, PSB is a professional installer, I'm not. But then again, this is a hobby. We all live and learn.
Thanks! Looks like it would be easier to just swap the hole dish assy. I am thinking maybe my next upgrade might be that. I have a birthday in Jan. :) Gotta give my wife ideas :)
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