Duration of Program Guide on 921?

Joe Q

Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 1, 2004
How many weeks of programming guide data does the 921 contain?

Is there an easy way to jump a week ahead in the porgramming guide?

My TIVO shows an interesting program coming on DIscovery HD in about a week and a half.

I would like to set the 921 to record it but I can not figure out how to bounce ahead one week in the program guide so I can hit the DVR button and get it scheduled.
Joe Q said:
How many weeks of programming guide data does the 921 contain?

Is there an easy way to jump a week ahead in the porgramming guide?

My TIVO shows an interesting program coming on DIscovery HD in about a week and a half.

I would like to set the 921 to record it but I can not figure out how to bounce ahead one week in the program guide so I can hit the DVR button and get it scheduled.
on most DishPVR's, type 168 and the right arrow key. this will skip ahead 168 hours. (168 = 24 * 7).

dfergie said:
Cool idea LER , will have to try on my 501... have never heard of that
BTW, the Right arrow I'm refering to is the "browse" Blue Button.

Once you've moved forward, you can move back with the "theme" button.



FYI, the "skip Foward" button on the DVR controls will skip you exactly one day at a time when the guide is displayed. Works this way on my 921 and 522, I assume it does on the 721, and 5xx series also.

My 921 and 522 go between 7-9 days forward, haven't heard of one going 2 weeks.. I wish !
928gt said:
FYI, the "skip Foward" button on the DVR controls will skip you exactly one day at a time when the guide is displayed. Works this way on my 921 and 522, I assume it does on the 721, and 5xx series also.

My 921 and 522 go between 7-9 days forward, haven't heard of one going 2 weeks.. I wish !
Neat. I didn't know about that one :yes

Yes, it works that way on my 501. (will find out on the 721 when DN comes out next saturday (2/21) to run
a 2nd coax.
928gt said:
My 921 and 522 go between 7-9 days forward, haven't heard of one going 2 weeks.. I wish !

Thanks all for the useful information. I could not find any of that in the manual.

Also,I thought the 921 had a 2 week program guielike the TIVO does. Obviously, I had heard wrong.


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