DVR 522 Remote Code for Sony Receiver


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Original poster
Feb 5, 2004
Just got the Dish 522 installed, so far very happy with it. Yes there are limitations with the 1st receiver being able to "control" the 2nd receiver but as far as my needs, it is perfect.

One big complaint I have is with the User guide and the remote control codes it provided.

I have a Sony Receiver str-k502 and the code is not listed. I tried to follow their procedure for scanning for the code but after 30 minutes, my thumbs were ready to fall off.

I have my old 301 remote and if I can figure out a way to pull off the code from that, will this work?

I called Dish and they said, good luck scanning....

Can anyone point me to the location where I might be able to get the code to program in my receiver? I need to do this to control the volume of the sound, as all audio is routed through the receiver.

Appreciate any assistance very much.

By my DISH remote instruction book. "How to check the device codes"
1. Press and Hold the mode button for the device, for about three seconds. When all the other mode button backlights come on, release the mode button.
2.Press the POUND# button twice. The mode light flashes the number for each digit of the device code, with a pause between the groups of flashes. A quick flash is for zero.
for example, the mode light flashes five times,pauses, flashes seven times, pauses, and flashes once quickly for the 570 code.
Update, More Info


I took the code from the 301 remote and tried to use this on the 522 remote and it does not work. HELP!!!!
As DISH said have fun scanning, they may not have the code in the 522 remote for your SONY receiver. If you scan through all the codes without finding one that works you will have to go to a UNIVERSAL REMOTE. Have you checked your SONY instruction book to see if the audio receiver remote will operate DISH?
Change the setting on your sony receiver to AV1 (look at the instruction book). Sony receivers wont recognize the remote codes if they are set to AV2
Sony reciever

jds44 said:
Change the setting on your sony receiver to AV1 (look as the book). Sony receivers wont recognize the remote codes if they are set to AV2

Where do I find the place to change my settings on my Sony?
Hey, I know that the book does not list many codes, but if you go to and look under products -> user guides and manuals. The pdf for the remote control has a lot more codes, sony recievers included.


I have been trying to get my DISH remote to work my Sony A/V receiver for 1 1/2 years. Your tip on changing the AV setting did the trick. On mine, it is a setting to allow you to change the remove setting incase you have 2 Sony receivers. It was default to AV2, I changed it to AV1 and Yippieee, it now works but I can't get it to change Input modes. Oh well, on, off, volume work fine.

This works with the Sony STR-DE897 receiver as well. Pages 47 and 57 in the sony manual tell how to switch the sony remote and the sony receiver into AV1 mode. It says AV2 is factory default. Once I did this, I was able to use the scan feature of the Dish 522 remote for TV1 (the IR one) and control the Sony with the Dish remote. In addtion, I moved the AUX volume controls to the SAT mode using the following on the Dish remote: Hold AUX until lights flash, push the # button, push the + volume button, push the zero button with the > arrow at the bottom row, push # again. Put in SAT mode and volume controls (up,down,mute) will work on the Dish remote and control the Sony receiver. (instructions from GRS1959 in another thread)
"I can't get it to change Input modes"

Try the number keys - also try different Sony codes. My STR-DE695 will respond to three different ones - and each has a different mapping of number keys to inputs.

Of course, NONE of the mappings are for the inputs I use. :(

Hopefully, you'll have better luck with it. :)
What codes?


Do you remember which 3 codes your Sony receiver responded to? I have a STR-K740P set to AV1 and I can't get any of the codes listed in my 522 manual to work. I've also done a code search with no luck.



Need some basic info on Upgrading to PVR/DVR from 301's

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