DVR 921? Where can I get one?

10 days from

Floridaphil said:
This 921 situation is getting very old. Im about to move house and need a 921. If someone can point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.

I was annoyed looking between several sites (dishdepot, vssll, satelliteone, etc.), and then noticed someone who said they called vmcsatellite and got one from order to delivery in roughly 10 days. I called exactly 10 days ago, and even with an intervening holiday, it arrived today. They quoted 7-10 days, and they made it on the last day, even using UPS Ground.

Usually I like to support the little guy, but in this case, it seemed that no one else has/could get them, and the wait list for the sites that did have them was lengthy.

I am not sure if my distributor has any or not. If they have some then I would require an upfront payment before ordering the 921 since it is such an expensive receiver. The retail price is $999 plus there would be a shipping charge. I have seen a number of people wanting these without having any luck so perhaps I could get some for those needing some but they could be in short supply at my distributor but they can reserve some for me if some people want them.
I called all around Nebraska and Iowa. They all said 2-3 weeks with a deposit. Most said they have only received one so far even though they have depostied orders for Dozens.

Whats up with they supply problem?
I think I remember reading on here about each retailer allowing to order one at first then later being allowed to order more of them.
Floodgates Opening?

Tracy at says he has a shipment of 100 units of which 64 are not yet spoken for.

I am one of the 36 and hope to see mine by Tuesday or Wednesday.

Another vote to try for the JVC version. I signed up for their 'in stock' email to work early this morning and their website indicated stock was available so I ordered it...called them a bit ago and it is due to ship this evening scheduled for Wed. delivery :) Cancelled my dishdepot preorder this morning which I've had since Feb. 03.
Scott Greczkowski said:
We just shipped out another big batch of them today. :)

Our Waiting list is shrinking because users are getting their 921's :D

Just hasn't shrunk enough to include me :(
There are a bunch on Ebay but they are all in the range of $1200 - $1300. Not sure if they are worth it.

Paddy Hannon
I believe the "921 waiting list" is a joke.
I signed up on this last November and now read about people
buying them on there first few calls now.
Looks like the Directv HD Tivo will smoke E* again with a four month
latter release.
I have emailed severasl times without a reply. Does anyone have an email address for someone there. I considered getting one on ebay but cant bring myself to spend 12-1300 on one.
We still have about 200 people on our waiting list.

Truth is we have not received a 921 in over 2 weeks. (And for that matter it seems no other dealer has eaither)

I have been told by a few at DISH that the 921 is a "QA HOLD"

I really wish we could get them in faster as we would love to get them out to you as quick as we can as well.
Scott Greczkowski said:
We still have about 200 people on our waiting list.

Truth is we have not received a 921 in over 2 weeks. (And for that matter it seems no other dealer has eaither)

I have been told by a few at DISH that the 921 is a "QA HOLD"

I really wish we could get them in faster as we would love to get them out to you as quick as we can as well.

Same here - it's been over 2 weeks since we've been able to get any also.
This whole 921 deal brings up a vision of some little old lady with a soldering iron personally making every 921... Now she has stopped making new ones and is repairing all the ones coming in from the field with the blue line problem.

I can understand wanting to keep production costs low, but the rate of manufacturing seems really slow.
I also have looked everywhere for a 921. I was told, today, by a large dish dealer that dish is only cranking out about 30 units a month. He said the JVC version is made by someone else and they are turning out about 20 units a day. He said getting the JVC is much easier. For some unknown reason, I am somewhat weary of the JVC version.

Anyone know if the JVC version is the same or should I hold out for the dish version? Is the JVC covered under the warranty plan or does it need to be sent somewhere different?

lapplegate said:
For some unknown reason, I am somewhat weary of the JVC version.
Why? Do you find it boring? :p

The JVC should be exactly the same on the inside as the Echostar branded one.

They should be equally wearisome :yes

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