E* 29 HD Channels


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 22, 2003
RUMOR: E* 29 HD Channels

I have heard a rumor that E* has 29 HD channels already up an ready to launch any time now. Some of the new channels include: TNTHD, BravoHD and others. The person who gave me this information is not, in anyway in a position to know anything for sure, and information he has giving me in the past, has always been incorrect (Like when he said that I would be able to record HD proggraming from a 921 to DVHS.).
lol.....inaccurate information in the past.....not in position to know anything for sure....got me all excited with the post title for nothing.

splino said:
I have heard a rumor that E* has 29 HD channels already up an ready to launch any time now. Some of the new channels include: TNTHD, BravoHD and others. The person who gave me this information is not, in anyway in a position to know anything for sure, and information he has giving me in the past, has always been incorrect (Like when he said that I would be able to record HD proggraming from a 921 to DVHS.).

Is the person's name "Charlie"?
It would be impossible for TNT HD to be uplinked since it hasn't even launched yet. Dish Network is NOT the leader in HD, and it is barely in the top 10. They just make excuses about any of the channels they don't currently carry. I would rather have Starz HD! East and West then hardly ANY other Starz channels.
They dont have room for 5 more HD channels, let alone 29.

Even with a SuperDISH it would not be possible.

The only way Dish can get 29 HD Channels on Satellite is to purchase VOOM.
Then i guess dish needs to purchase voom or at the very least lease some of there transpoders for dishnetwork cust...I really would like to have abc and nbc in hd
Scott Greczkowski said:
They dont have room for 5 more HD channels, let alone 29.

Even with a SuperDISH it would not be possible.

The only way Dish can get 29 HD Channels on Satellite is to purchase VOOM.

You know to me, this seems to be the obvious solutuion. By this time next year, if left to continue down the Yellow Brick HD road, both D* & E* will be forced to notice the revenue generating machine that is Voom. All you 921 & HDphiles, must generate significant (& disproportional income relative to your absolute numbers) percentages of EBITA for both companies.
I thought they could have 50 HD with superdish?
They'll have to move the locals off the Superdish (105) first. They've already used close to 75% of 105's existing capacity with locals, and upcoming local markets will consume much of the remaining bandwidth.
Scott Greczkowski said:
They dont have room for 5 more HD channels, let alone 29.

Even with a SuperDISH it would not be possible.

The only way Dish can get 29 HD Channels on Satellite is to purchase VOOM.

There you go..., trying to kill a perfectly good rumor by throwing hard cold facts at it. I am no Satellite Tech expert. But, what if, E* discovered that by covering the 921 Firewire Ports with tape, they can now fit five HD channels per transponder instead of 3...?
Considering that the one at 105 now is an old clunker, I'd say its pretty safe to assume that YES, 105 will have more capacity. It will at least be more capable, since the existing one wasn't shaped for CONUS at 105.
The space would probably be used for internet access next year or those 'extra' local channels that are currently on the wings.
Wait it a minute, according to Charlie there is no compelling HD channel that has content out there. :rolleyes: Charlie should look at ESPN-HD and see if it has the compelling 24/7 content that he seeks... :haha

dvr question do i need 2 connections if

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