Eastern Arc for Existing Customer - moved, no LOS for 110/119


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 28, 2004
Greenville, SC
I've just moved - into a rental house while I build my next home - and wanted to keep my Dish service: HD Absolute with 110/119/61.5 going to a single 622.

I set up Dishmover over the phone, and they sent someone out today. He couldn't get Line of Sight to 110/119 due to large trees. It isn't my property, so I can't do anything about the trees, and I am not allowed to mount a dish to the roof.

I then called up the local installer shop, who says that they could do an Eastern Arc install with a pole mount but I'd have to set up a new account.

Is it correct that I can't use my early 622 on Eastern Arc? Can I possibly get an updated security card, keep my existing (leased) receiver, and (hopefully) programming package, and avoid a contract by paying for the install myself?

If not, it looks like I'll have to set up a new account under my wife's name, so a 24-month contract. If I have to do that, should I wait for the 922 or just get set-up now with a 722? Or I could go with DirecTV.

I was faced with a similar situation about 3 months ago when I moved into an apartment. It took some extra effort, including an e-mail to the ceo@echostar.com site, but I was able to get switched over to the eastern arc, even though I'm unable to receive the 72.7 signal. At first I tried setting up at Turbo HD package and they set me up for the EA, but then called to cancel due to my location.

If you are willing to keep 2 dishes (and are willing to setup the equip yourself), you should be able to swing over a Dish 500 dish to 61.5 / 72.7 and use your 61.5 dish to pick up 77. A bit unorthodox, but it should work.

I'm not sure why you'd need to set up a new account just to switch to EA. A few months back, we had to be switched over to the EA, because my neighbor's trees had grown too large for me to get any LoS to 119. While it was a bit of nightmare trying to get Dish to understand, they finally converted my existing account (110/119, 61.5) to EA.

My situation was kind of odd though, which might explain why they had such a hard time setting up my account. My local channels are on 110, so I have the EA dish and a wing dish pointing at 110. The customer service people could not understand why I would be set up that way, no matter how many times I explained it to them, but I finally got someone to understand and things have been just great ever since.
Whenyou Email ceo@echostar.com include the local dealers information and the fact he wanted to set you up with a new account. That is a violation of DISH rules for dealers,he was trying to make several hundred dollars by making you a new customer.
Whenyou Email ceo@echostar.com include the local dealers information and the fact he wanted to set you up with a new account. That is a violation of DISH rules for dealers,he was trying to make several hundred dollars by making you a new customer.

I'm not going to try to get someone in trouble. I had Dishnetwork send me out someone who declared "service isn't possible." Calling the local guy was my decision to try to keep Dish Network rather than going to cable or DirecTV. The *easiest* solution would be to start a new account - and my wife could do that if she chose.

And certainly, I understand that the local dealer would like to have me sign a new contract so he'll get paid, but if Dish Network won't do an Eastern Arc install because I'm an "existing" customer then isn't it their fault?

Follow-up: I called DishNetwork again and asked about being moved to Eastern Arc because I couldn't get LOS for 110/119 at today's service call. They were very agreeable and immediately set up an appointment for a Field Service Manager to come out to do that - including a pole-mount - for free. Noted the account for another free move in 8-12 months when we move to the new house, no costs for install or renewed commitment, and they gave me a credit for the time we've been/are going to be out of service.

If it works out I couldn't ask for more.


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