Echostar Battles Pirates On Ebay

But I've thought about getting a FTA box... my interest in it is to be able to pick up some of the out of area locals that are up there... Does that make me a pirate????

Well it depends….

If you use it to get the stuff on Galaxy 10, PBS on AMC3 and stuff like that then no
If you use it to get Dish locals that are on 105, 110, 119, 121…then yes

95% of FTA boxes come with the legal software in it. It’s the illegal stuff that people download into it that make it be able to get Dish.
what i wonder is why dish/bell made it seems a ton of models with the *tag port, they had to have know down the road it would cause problems, it seems to me they did it cause they get alot of broken ird's back and it more than likely makes it easier for them to fix the irds then resell as remanufactures

I guess im under the contention that the boxes were built like that for a reason, what reason i dont know?

seems kinda like someone hding their house key under the welcome mat just not smart
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I have been using FTA reciever for over 15 years. I owned a cband shop and started with some satcoms and then smallear recievers. I know have Pansat. The people selling these are breaking NO LAWS if they are not modifyed. I will use them not modifyed to pick up whatever I see as FTA. If it is a backhaul feed or a Canada satellite feed or whatever, if its not encrypted its FAIR GAME! As long as you do not use a modifyed coded box there is nothing you are doing wrong.

In fact, I dont but have friends that use FTA for the Canadian version of Dish network. THis is a very grey area right now. It is not controlled they the DMact or any USA law. But I do feel it is wrong as you have to modify your box. That is not something I want to do. But it too is not technicaly against US law ...YET!!!

Your statement, "You can convert sudafed to methamphetamine too but that doesn't make owning sudafed illegal." brings up a point.

Believe it or not, cold and flu medications will be monitored, in the future, by Homeland Security. Most pharmacies now not have them behind the counter and you have to ask the pharmacist for them. Future plans (now in some stores) will require that you show an I.D. to obtain them.

Homeland Security will monitor who purchases the medications and you could be questioned if a quarantine is in effect.

Now, more than ever, Big Brother is truly watching us.

Warning Long story below :)

Here in Arkansas its already like that (except the local police monitor usage vs. Dept of Homeland Security).

We have a set qty that we can get within a certain period of time (month). Must fill out a form, must give a copy of drivers license (or other picture ID). They run you through a database to see if you have had your max allowable amount.

I have 1 medacine that I have to take for my allergies (its the only one that works). Unfortunatly its on the list and the first time I had to get it (after the law went into effect) I was having a BAD allergy attack (my eyes were swelling shut and all sorts of other good stuff).

These come on really quick for me and I have around 15 minutes to take a medacine for it to be affective (otherwise it takes several hours for me to get over the symptoms). Unfortunatly (or fortunatly depending on how you look at it) I had not had one for several months and was out of the medacine I take.

I ended up argueing with the girl behind the counter because she knew something had changed with it but was having to check with someone else to see if it could be sold, They had to call someone else who called someone else, etc). This took somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-40 minutes to get figured out. Meanwhile my eyes have swollen shut (and my wife had come and drive me home because I didnt get the medacine in the time needed. I told them flat out that I would stay and take care of whatever paperwork (or whatever) but I needed to take them as I was having an allergy attack (the main pharm. guy finally gave me 2 pills about 30 minutes after this started because he saw that I was having some problems. Bad thing was it was a bit too late and I still had to call the wife :mad:

Now I know some will ask. Why didnt you leave and go to another store. Well the nearest store was about 10 miles away and Oh yeah they had my drivers license (took it to get info and refused to give it back until they had the info they needed for the transaction. Only problem was they had no idea what info they needed.

A fun fact was at the time of this I was working with the Juvenile Court (with teens with drug problems).

YEAH love the new laws regarding it. Doc has now given me a prescription in case I need more than the "legal" amount in a month.

Just a FYI Hot Springs Arkansas is one of the biggest producers of meth in the US (ranks 3rd in the country I believe).
My father used to tell us (my brothers and sister),... "It's their job to get as much money out of us as they can for the least services and product as possible; and it is our job to get as much service and product as we can out of them for the least anount of money as we can. Somewhere in the middle of this struggle an agreement is reached, but the deceit and mis-representation coming from both sides never ends.

The only stupidity illustrated by these inovators is their furangi style drive to make a profit. But trust me, when the final score is tallie, Dish has raped the public more than the public has rape them. The 942/962 non-sense comes to mind!
ericpd said:
My father used to tell us (my brothers and sister),... "It's their job to get as much money out of us as they can for the least services and product as possible; and it is our job to get as much service and product as we can out of them for the least anount of money as we can. Somewhere in the middle of this struggle an agreement is reached, but the deceit and mis-representation coming from both sides never ends.

The only stupidity illustrated by these inovators is their furangi style drive to make a profit. But trust me, when the final score is tallie, Dish has raped the public more than the public has rape them. The 942/962 non-sense comes to mind!

Wow this is the best description i have heard yet!!
KenSoren said:
But it does make it a semi-controlled drug - at least in California where it is kept behind the counter.

Only done voluntarily in California at this time. No legislation has been passed to require pharmacies to do that.
nitstalker said:
I went to wally world a few weeks ago to get infant's tylenol cold medicine for our baby.... Well they had to have my damn drivers liscence... Had to go home get it and come back....
Obviously, it goes without saying, that you WALKED to the Walgreen's and didn't DRIVE, right?;)

Indiana implemented the "sign your life away for psudophedrine" law last summer. I used to get Robitusin Max Congestion capsules (the green ones) as they did the best job whenever I had a sinus attack. Like partyharty, I ran out while in the middle of a three day sinus attack. Fortunately, the pharmacist was able to suggest Mucinex for the decongestent I wanted, so I was okay. I haven't bought anything with psuedophedrine since.

How'd we get talking about Drug Laws, anyway?:confused:

Satellite 129 Problems?

Dish 622 $299 ends 03/31?

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