External HD questions


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 20, 2006
Waco, TX
Hey all. I was thinking of getting an external HD for my Dish receivers (a 722, a 722k and a 612) and I had a couple of questions.

1. Is there a size limit for the receivers?

2. Can I store recordings from multiple receivers on a single drive? IOW, can I hook it to my 722k and archive all my recordings of The Walking Dead, then hook it to my 612 and store all of my wife's Real Housewives?

3. Are there any drive that you all have found that work well, and are there any drives that I should stay away from?

TIA for your help, and I look forward to reading your responses!
1. For the 612/622/722/722k receivers, the limit is 2TB max.

2. Since all of your receivers are in the same family, they can share the same EHD (the other family is 211/211k/411).

3. I believe that members here report that the Western Digital My Book Essential works well.

Below is a link that has more info on the EHD requirements

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