FCC Gives News Corp. Nod on DirecTV

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John Corn

The Coach / Supporter
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 6, 2003
North Canton, Ohio.
The Federal Communications Commission on Friday has conditionally given the green light for media giant News Corp. (Australia:NCP.AX - News) to gain control of the No. 1 U.S. satellite service DirecTV, an FCC official familiar with the matter said.
The Republican-led commission voted 3-2 to let the deal proceed, with the two Democrats on the panel voting against it, the source said.

An FCC spokesman had no immediate comment.

News Corp. Takeover of DirecTV Wins OK
Late Friday, the Federal Communications Commission conditionally approved News Corp.'s takeover of DirecTV and Hughes, with the commission's Democratic minority providing the only opposition to the deal.

The deal also won clearance from the Justice Department's antitrust staff.

Hughes said the transaction should be completed during the next several business days.

The FCC approval comes with conditions, including ensuring competitors access to News Corp.-controlled programming. "Cable and satellite customers will continue to have access to programming from a diverse source of media outlets," said FCC Chairman Michael Powell. "With these conditions, I believe the transaction serves the public interest."

The commission's two Democratic commissioners - Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein - voted against the deal. "News Corp. could be in a position to raise programming prices for consumers, harm competition in video programming and distribution markets nationwide, and decrease the diversity of media voices." Adelstein said.
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