Fight or Switch? DISH to DirecTiVo?


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Oct 10, 2003
Metro Denver
Hi All:

I am new to this site, which, BTW, I find to be excellent. I have been reviewing the various posts regarding the new DISH PVR's, and HD receivers, because I am at a decision point now.

I have been a DISH customer since their first year. Currently, I have two DISH receivers, a 301 and a 1000, the DISH 500 setup with two antennae (getting 110. 119 and 148), and a SW 64 switch. We are on the America's Top 150, with local channels and a movie premium add-on.

I also have TiVo: two Phillips receivers, one an 80 hour unit, the other an upgraded 60 unit. Both have lifetime service paid. The second TiVo unit is hardwired on an Intercast system, so I can import its programs to the main television, where the other TiVo unit is (this is way cool).

Add to this, a new Sony 57" widescreen, HDTV capable, which I am just itching to fire up for the full benefits.

Here is the problem. Notwithstanding having installed a Xantech emitter to export the DISH receiver commands to the TiVo, and having put enough black elex. tape over the infrared receiver "eye" on the DISH, I still have problems with the DISH unit putting the system onto a channel not on my system, so I get that blue screen telling me I need to pay for it. This, of course, locks up the TiVo system, so it won't record the actual program I want, i just get an hour of that d*()&*ed blue screen. Most recent occasion was missing the episode of West Wing where the Prez' daughter was rescued.

Anyway, I jsut got my renewal bill from DISH (we pay annually). I am really frustrated with with the DISH/TiVo "arguments" between each other, regardless of how I set it up. I don't see DISH going to a TiVo combo unit, a la DirecTV, and I don't like the DISH PVR's absence of the season pass feature of TiVo. I am thinking of jumping from DISH to DirecTV to get a combo HD receiver/TiVo unit. I had been really excited about the DISH 811 announced, but I just see more problems with the DISH-TiVo negative interaction. I know I would lose the TiVo lifetime program fee if I change units, but I think I once figured out that amortized itself out after about two or three years of monthly payments, and I am way beyond that.

So, to make a long story short (oops, too late), I would like some outside assistance.

Many thanks :D

I am thinking of jumping from DISH to DirecTV to get a combo HD receiver/TiVo unit. I had been really excited about the DISH 811 announced, but I just see more problems with the DISH-TiVo negative interaction. I know I would lose the TiVo lifetime program fee if I change units, but I think I once figured out that amortized itself out after about two or three years of monthly payments, and I am way beyond that.

Keep in mind that the HD DirecTivo isn't expected until next spring at $850-$1000, and additional delays are always possible. If you want a DirecTivo, you'll have to settle for a SD version until then.

I would suggest you pay for one more month on Dish, and wait until November 1 to see what sort of HDTV programming announcements they have for the Superdish, and whether they really ship the 921 on that date -- if that product interests you.

Ultimately though, if Tivo functionality is more important to you than HDTV programming, and you just can't live with the daily/weekly/weekday timer-based recording of the DISH DVRs, then it sounds like the fully-integrated DirecTivo may be a better option for you.

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