First Look: DishONLINE

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Ok, so this may not be our first look since SatelliteGuys member jbman73175 brought this to our attention last week. However in typical SatelliteGuys style I dug to find out more information on DishONLINE. And I think I hit a goldmine. :)

If you feel that you must post this information at other forums, PLEASE give credit to SatelliteGuys. Thanks. :)

And from what I have found, I think DishONLINE sounds very, VERY exciting! Let's just hope Dish Network does not screw it up by charging for access to the service and overcharging for video rentals. I am not going to pay $5 for a movie, when I can get it from Blockbuster for $1.99. If you keep the prices low people will eat up this service. ARE YOU LISTENING DISH NETWORK?

Ok here we go, here is the information I have found.

DishONLINE is currently scheduled to GO LIVE on February 15th, 2007.

It will feature the following:
- SD and HD Quality Movies
- Music
- Adult Programs
- Entertainment News

Some of the content on DishONLINE may be FREE, some things such as movies will be a one time charge, and some options may encoure a monthly charge (one can only hope that Dish will offer programming such as WWE 24/7 and Howard TV)

Payment for services can be done a number of ways...

1 time payments can be done with a ewallet using a credit or debit card
By Check
Or billed to your Dish Network Bill (If your credit qualifies)

Certain programs such as International Channels, Adult and Music Services will be streamed in real time.

Other services such as Cinema Now, certain adult services and other programming can be downloaded to your hard drive for later viewing and you can watch them as they are downloading.

If you have rented a title you have up to 7 days to watch it, however once you start watching it you only have 24 hours to view it. (All DVR features except record will work)

If you purchase a movie, you can keep the program on your DVR forever, however you can not transfer these items to your PocketDISH or other means of storage.

I have a good feeling we will see this demoed at CES, and of course SatelliteGuys.US will be there letting you know all about it. I would love to get in on this beta because this product can be so exciting. :)

Thats it for now, but I will keep digging. :) Again this feature could be really exciting, as long as its done correctly and if customers are not gouged by high pricing.

(Edit: Added two more pictures these from the listing of classes which will be given at next years Team Summit event)


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My mom and stepdad have Verizon FiOS and I absolutely love their OnDemand stuff. I hope DISH does well with this.
if they put starz and hbo and all the movies channels VOD on I'll be happy and would upgrade to plat if it was included!! Then I would have not reason to goto cable ether.
Honestly I was talking to my wife a few days ago about subscribing to Digital Cable just for VOD, I want Howard TV and WWE 24/7.

Now I may get it, and I couldn't be happier. :)
Our local cable co. (Time Warner) and I'm sure others do HBO on demand as well as others. Great to be able to watch a season of the Soprano's whenever you want. If Dish does something like that I would be very happy indeed!
Nice work on the confirmation of it Scott.

It looks like the graphics are all of the ones that you and I posted last week. Good to have them in one place.

If there is HD content, then I will be very pleased.
I am still underwhelmed. There is so much that can be done with a Ethernet capable device connected to my TV, and a USB port on the device. The potential is great for kick ass things.

I expect it to be on par with Dish's Interactive services. Kinda neat, but gimicky with little value and priced just high enough that I won't bother. I'll keep an eye on their HD offering, and if their IPTV SD PQ is better than their DBS SD PQ, then I'll consider it as well.
I am still underwhelmed. There is so much that can be done with a Ethernet capable device connected to my TV, and a USB port on the device. The potential is great for kick ass things.

I expect it to be on par with Dish's Interactive services. Kinda neat, but gimicky with little value and priced just high enough that I won't bother. I'll keep an eye on their HD offering, and if their IPTV SD PQ is better than their DBS SD PQ, then I'll consider it as well.

I wish it could be a UPNP media player from a media server like twonky once they enable the ethernet port.
Does the receiver have to be a DVR?

I have a 211 and a 625, will this work on both or just the 625?
Since I don't have a phone line I hope that is a way to waive the $5.00 AOF that I get charged with the 622. But this is DISH we are talking about.

DishOnline will be a big hit.

I will have no problem paying $3.99 for HD content and $1.99 for SD content.

There was a mention on the Stern show that satellite was possibly going to offer Howard TV at some point once some technical issues were addressed.

I'm sure there will be some freebie stuff as well.

CES is going to be a really "big shoe" for Dish!
Wow - I saw this thread and thought I was dreaming - Really!
They're enabling the ethernet port and supporting getting stuff over broadband???
I had no idea they were actively working on this!!! COOL!!!
Holly crap I figured that would be years away given how long its taking to get (seemingly simple) USB hard drive support going.

"Since I don't have a phone line I hope that is a way to waive the $5.00 AOF "

Doubtful - one of the reasons for the phone line connection is to verify that the box is physically where it's suppose to be via caller ID. Can't really do that very easily over the internet. I suppose at some point in the future they could change the concept/implementation a bit to verify all receivers are coming from the same outside IP address at given point in time - If the receivers are all at the same IP then they must be at the same physical location.

"There was a mention on the Stern show that satellite was possibly going to offer Howard TV at some point"
I hope so!!! My wife and I want Howard TV!!! (she's a bigger fan than me, actually).
Of course, once we have that, then we'll all be begging for Howard HD - lol.
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I suspect that for most features, a ViP211 would require an external HD to work- i.e. downloading a movie to watch. I doubt they can do that in real time. Maybe this is why USB external storage has been delayed- to make sure it works with this feature?

I think the market value of my 508 & 721 just took a nosedive. If this thing takes off, there'll be a huge number of people voluntarily moving up to the ViP series. That'll sure cut expenses when MPEG-4 takes over.

I'm surprised there aren't more posts in this thread- isn't this the biggest thing since DBS began? Maybe it will have to be out and available for some customers to see the value.

Scott- any ideas on how it'll work with a ViP211?

Switching Premium Channels

Connecting my ViP722 to my network

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