FIRST Look - New DISH Network Basic Remote

Sure there is, simply press 0023 to get to 2-3 or 0442 to get to 44-2......

While that method may work WITH A DELAY (because the box is waiting for the fifth digit) before actually changing the channel, the proper way would be 00203 for 2-3 and 04402 for 44-2 in Bobby example. When you type ALL 5 digits the channel change is instant.
If only this thing was a learning remote as well! The TVs I have in my guest bedrooms never seem to be able to use the codes that come in the remote. Dish has these for order on their website now for $20.
My observations? It's a simple remote. So simple, that it just might get mixed up with many other remotes or in the dark fairly easily, more so with it being black and not silver.

Plus, I guess it'd be a big hit to the oldies. I could only imagine how they ordered the HD receiver (a 211/k, most likely) and seeing a bazillion buttons on their 6.4 or 6.5 remotes, oh the looks on their faces. LOL! Humor aside, I really do think that this remote would be a hit with the grannies, for the simplicity.

So wait, let's get this straight...

-- And with no * and # buttons, I do assume that subs can't fix the black bar issue, right?
-- And no tab? I do assume this'd only work with solo receivers, right?

And with those being said, what does this have that the 6.4/6.5/21.0 universal remotes don't?

But in terms of practicality, this remote better be less than $20, lest subs won't get it.