For those who would like to Track AMC14

what does eclipsed mean in this case- i see it switched no to yes

Guess: Yes = Your view of it is eclipsed - you can't see it.
When orbit swings more overhead relative to your location and you have line of site, it is no longer eclipsed.
This thing is showing a little house icon over my current location - it knows where I am so can therefore calculate that sort of thing.
I told you all this is nothing to worry about
Heading back up!

AMC-14 just hit the low point in its elliptical orbit (475 miles), is gaining altitude and losing speed.
goalie ? - you are stirring new pot here - would be honest to start it from real facts what was posted a few times - the parameters of AMC-14 current orbit what still the same after last burn and separation.
I think you'll capable to find the numbers. :D