Fortec Mercury II Review in Tele Satellite

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Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Just got my copy of the Tele Satellite International Magazine and inside there is a great review of the Fortec Mercury II receiver.

I have been using the Fortec Mercury II for a few months now and LOVE it, infact is has become my main FTA Receiver. And I am not just saying this because they are a Gold Sponsor here, thats how much I like this receiver!

If you get Tele Satellite International check out the review, if you don't get this magazine your missing out, every issue I get the feeling much like I did as a kid getting the Christmas Toy Catalog in the mail. There are so many cool FTA Products shown in this magazine!

Our friends at Sadoun Satellite Sales have subscriptions to Tele Satellite Available for more information please CLICK HERE!
Thanks! I was just wondering scanning time how long it took compraed to the Lifetiem. I been reading the review in the review section, and it sounds real nice :)
Hmmm, I am going to have to look at thier review and see how it compares to mine :D

Scott, I agree with you about the mercury II. I have three different types of FTA recievers: pansat 2700, satworks 3618 and fortec mercury II. The Mercury II is my reciever of choice.
I am farily new to FTA, but I have a coolsat 5000 and a Mercury II. I use my mercury II all the time and the coolsat is off to the side if I want to play with stuff. I have no experience with any other receivers but being a newbie, I really liked the Fortec and it has controlled my motorized dish without any problems. (my coolsat got messed up a few times)
Just got my copy of the Tele Satellite International Magazine and inside there is a great review of the Fortec Mercury II receiver.

Thanks for letting us know the magazine is in the mail. I was wondering when it was gonna come as I must have read the last one at least 50 times. This is the best magazine subscription I ever got.
You can order a mail subscription to the magazine from our website here:

Subscibing to the magazine comes with 6 bi-monthly CD-Roms that have the latest SatcoDX information. It also has software that allows you to find what channels are available on what satellite. By entering your location, it will even calculate what size dish you will need to receive those channels.

  • The CD-ROM contains SatcoDX Global Satellite Chart,
  • CD contains information about available satellite channels worldwide
  • Information includes satellites footprints worldwide. Sort, Filter, Search any Satellite Channel worldwide. Export or Print results in txt, xls, htm, sdx, sdp, csv, or xml.
  • DishTrak (Azimuth and Elevation Calculations),
  • SatcoDX Wizard (Reception estimation).
  • Data update anytime via Internet (license valid for 6 months).

If anyone have used the software and wants to comment about it, let's hear from you.
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I use the software all the time but the SatcoDX Wizard is always wrong so i do not use that part, Other than that it is all ok,(Reception estimation).
You can order a mail subscription to the magazine from our website here:

Subscibing to the magazine comes with 6 bi-monthly CD-Roms that have the latest SatcoDX information. It also has software that allows you to find what channels are available on what satellite. By entering your location, it will even calculate what size dish you will need to receive those channels.

  • The CD-ROM contains SatcoDX Global Satellite Chart,
  • CD contains information about available satellite channels worldwide
  • Information includes satellites footprints worldwide. Sort, Filter, Search any Satellite Channel worldwide. Export or Print results in txt, xls, htm, sdx, sdp, csv, or xml.
  • DishTrak (Azimuth and Elevation Calculations),
  • SatcoDX Wizard (Reception estimation).
  • Data update anytime via Internet (license valid for 6 months).

If anyone have used the software and wants to comment about it, let's hear from you.
Please reply by conversation.

Skew can it be off on Lnbf ?

2º compliant dish question.

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