I got them to come install an OTA even though they didn't want to. I had to call to cancel service to get it. Anyway, Jose shows up after they canceled the first three installs due to "not having equipment" and informs me they don't go on the roof to install. I have a five foot tripod and a twn for mast on top of that they could have installed it on. Nope, has to be on the dish satellite antenna mast where it shoots through the roof. Actually twice if you look as line of sight. Either way, the install went ok and reception was only fair. NO doubt at all that the antenna on the roof would have netted a great result. Stuipd dumb Dish. Still no FOX locals even with antenna and now today the Hopper3 is flaking out along with the wireless Joey. I'm just at wits end with them and think I should have stuck with the damn cable company. I'm not any cheaper with Dish and the service is about the same. In fact, I was floored when I called customer service at 6am to find that they were closed! What happened to 24-7 service???