Democratic and Republican National Conventions. Not that I care, but HDNET is making it available to all who want it.
barstonetv said:
squicken said:Good job Voom. Sorry to infer otherwise on this issue. I guess we'll see what "extensive coverage" means.
Sean Mota said:Democratic Convention will be on channel 99 starting on 7/26 uninterrupted... I just the commercial about. It is either channel 99 or 999.
adtoolco said:No Republican convention? What happened to equal time? And what of the poor Liberatariens? They are the Rodney Danagerfield of Politics. "No respect I tell 'ya, no respect."
The announcement at AVS linked by DarrelP states Aug 30th - Sept 2 for the Republican Convention.Sean Mota said:Isn't the Republican Convention on August 30th? I would assume that there will be equal coverage but you have to wait for the official announcement. This announcement only came a few days before the Democratic Convention.
yeah they need "closet cam" for bill clinton. Id keep one on Hillary too, I still think she wacked Vince Foster.owlbox said:Maybe they'll have some closeups of Clinton boffing the delegates.:shocked
squicken said:Well, I was gonna bust out the over/under on times "God" is mentioned for GOP. I think neither party is above constant ridicule. The right answer at: