Got CBS waiver now what?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 6, 2004

I received a waiver from my closest cbs station and have been authorized to view the LA channel. I was just on the phone with a dish rep and she said I would get the HD from the 119 satellite. That's not true is it? I have a dish 500 with the 811. I thought I would need to get another dish in order to get the signal from 61.5 or 148. I'm confused as to how I will be able to get the HD feed. Please fill me in. Thanks
A dish to point at 148 & a SW 64 switch to combine the 3 satellite locations. Look for the switch on Ebay. Dealers are about $135, I just bought one for $69 & shipping there. SW64 needs to be plugged in, so you must locate it near an outlet.
Can the sw 64 be plugged in to an external outlet? There isn't a conflict between legacy switches and the dish pro LNBs? Sorry if these questions are pretty basic but thanks for the help.
The SW64 has a power inserter, you can put it anywhere between the reciever and the switch. You could put it where the reciever is and use the same plug the reciever is using. It goes: reciever----->power inserter----->Switch64----->Dish, so your power inserter could be at either end, reciever or sw64 or in the middle, where ever it is most convient.
I have an outlet right by the 64. I don't know anout the legacy/dish pro stuff. I have an 811, 510, 6000, & 2800 all plugged into this & they all work.
Adding CBS HD

vetboy44 said:

I received a waiver from my closest cbs station and have been authorized to view the LA channel. I was just on the phone with a dish rep and she said I would get the HD from the 119 satellite. That's not true is it? I have a dish 500 with the 811. I thought I would need to get another dish in order to get the signal from 61.5 or 148. I'm confused as to how I will be able to get the HD feed. Please fill me in. Thanks

You do need a second dish if you are not currently pointed at 148 or 61.5. Dish will charge you $100 to install it. HOWEVER, there is a way to get it free in many cases. If you subscribe to the local channel package and you want to receive the local Telemundo (Spanish Language) local station they must provide it at no charge (by FCC rules). This station will be on 61.5 or 148. I suggest you get a sudden need for this. That's what I did. Then you send them your waiver and they add CBS HD.

You are right you can choose KCBS LA on 148 or WCBS NY on 61.5. Be aware there is a new terrible problem with the 811's not getting signal from 148 and the new software did not fix it. I would recommend you get 61.5 if you can. There may be some issues seeing 61.5 from California because of low elevation angle. Personally I just moved mine from 148 to 61.5. I got Dish to come out and do this because of the 148 problem. I should have done that in the first place because I like the time shift.
OK. Now we're talking. Let me make sure I've got this right. I really need the local telemundo station so I call dish and they have to install another dish for free? Do they have to provide this service to everyone in the US? I really doubt we have a local spanish language channel.
vetboy44 said:
OK. Now we're talking. Let me make sure I've got this right. I really need the local telemundo station so I call dish and they have to install another dish for free? Do they have to provide this service to everyone in the US? I really doubt we have a local spanish language channel.

Go to the Dish web site. Check locals availibility for your area. It will list all the local stations, and specify if any need a 2nd dish. (I believe there is an asterisk next to those stations.) If ANY require a 2nd dish, they are required to install one for free, with all necessary hardware.

BTW, do you know if your current Dish 500 LNB is DishPro? (DP) If not, it's referred to as "legacy". If so, have them install legacy switches and LNB for the 2nd dish. If it is DP, they'll need to swap it for legacy. Babakanoosh is right about the 811 and 148 satellite. However, there appears to only be a problem with DishPro switches/LNB's. Nobody seems to know why. It just suddenly started about 10 days ago. (Of course, if you're on the East Coast, it's a moot point. 61.5 seems to be immune.)
Darn, I'm in the spokane locals area so I guess no free 2nd dish for me. I do have Dishpro LNBs so maybe I should just wait for a fix to the problem before I get carried away.

811 2.64 update. viacom and charlie chat

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