Guess I don't get 1200 bucks in the suit

After the lawyers have taken their cut, you won't receive $1200. More like $12 and 8 free PPV coupons.

Actually it could be a lot more.

With only 18000 numbers being in the class, I doubt very many people will file a claim.

The dish retailer class action suit was very successful for the limited number of people who submitted a claim.
So every number we check gets a future telemarketing call- for legal services?
Yeah now we are all putting our phone numbers in. They are laughing, look at this list of Dish customer phone numbers they are just Giving Us! Woo hoo!

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I sent them a list of 2200 local phone numbers I own along with a completed claim form.

After you search 20, it locks you out from checking more.

All numbers put on do not call list. I had a girl do this for a week because I was tired of telemarketers calling our business lines.
I'd like to know how they know which numbers were called.

I am responsible for 3 accounts with about 6 different phone numbers over the last few years. I'm sure I got calls from Dish (particularly on the one because my M-i-L bi$%^ed about it constantly ;)). But none of my numbers show up in the settlement database.

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