Our current setup is fast becoming untenable, with my wife on my case to do something. We currently have two Hopper 2s with Sling and two Joeys. The Hoppers are getting slower and slower and the Hopper's interoperability is basically broken, we don't watch commercials. If I go to one Hopper 3, will it support 3 Joeys running simultaneously? What has improved with the Hopper 3s? We got the two hoppers to have 5 tuners (2 + PTA on one and 3 on the other). With 4 adults in the house we need all the tuners we can get, also a lot of storage. I believe our Hopper 2's have 2TB each (so 4TB total) plus I have an external drive on one of them, which I assume can be moved to a Hopper 3. Our internet is through Comcast, which I'm happy with except for cost LOL. Just wondering If I can get what I need from upgrading to one Hopper 3 for perhaps the same cost we're paying now.