H20 Issues

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SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Sep 18, 2005
Senoia, Georgia
Hello Forum,

I have a few issues with my H20 that I would like to see if anyone else is experiencing.

First, I am only able to use record functions on one tuner. If I record a program, like the ND game today and it is on the second receiver, I have no record functions. FF, Rev, Pause, even to stop the recording.

I get failures in the reception on the sat in. It fails to acquire the signal but only for like a second or two. You get a flash of the blue screen with the "searching for sat signal on 2". Since I've removed the switch I have less of a problem, but its still there.

I really don't like the fact that I can't flip between receivers like I could with my TIVO, that is a function that really hurts to lose.

I don't like the fact that you can't skip to the ticks like you could on the TIVO.

I don't like the way the picture views as you FF through commercials.

I know there are a lot of H20 lovers out there and I'm sure I'll hear about how they like other functions and thats great, I'm just missing these and think we took a huge step backwards. I guess it might be some kind of TIVO patent that makes us lose these. I hope we can get them back with a software update, but I'm not holding my breath.

Hello Forum,

I have a few issues with my H20 that I would like to see if anyone else is experiencing.

First, I am only able to use record functions on one tuner. If I record a program, like the ND game today and it is on the second receiver, I have no record functions. FF, Rev, Pause, even to stop the recording.

I get failures in the reception on the sat in. It fails to acquire the signal but only for like a second or two. You get a flash of the blue screen with the "searching for sat signal on 2". Since I've removed the switch I have less of a problem, but its still there.

I really don't like the fact that I can't flip between receivers like I could with my TIVO, that is a function that really hurts to lose.

I don't like the fact that you can't skip to the ticks like you could on the TIVO.

I don't like the way the picture views as you FF through commercials.

I know there are a lot of H20 lovers out there and I'm sure I'll hear about how they like other functions and thats great, I'm just missing these and think we took a huge step backwards. I guess it might be some kind of TIVO patent that makes us lose these. I hope we can get them back with a software update, but I'm not holding my breath.


I'm sure that you mean the HR20, not H20. The H20 is not a dvr.
Hello Forum,

I have a few issues with my H20 that I would like to see if anyone else is experiencing.

First, I am only able to use record functions on one tuner. If I record a program, like the ND game today and it is on the second receiver, I have no record functions. FF, Rev, Pause, even to stop the recording.

I get failures in the reception on the sat in. It fails to acquire the signal but only for like a second or two. You get a flash of the blue screen with the "searching for sat signal on 2". Since I've removed the switch I have less of a problem, but its still there.

I really don't like the fact that I can't flip between receivers like I could with my TIVO, that is a function that really hurts to lose.

I don't like the fact that you can't skip to the ticks like you could on the TIVO.

I don't like the way the picture views as you FF through commercials.

I know there are a lot of H20 lovers out there and I'm sure I'll hear about how they like other functions and thats great, I'm just missing these and think we took a huge step backwards. I guess it might be some kind of TIVO patent that makes us lose these. I hope we can get them back with a software update, but I'm not holding my breath.


Most of what you mentioned IS TIVO patent and NO it will not be changed in an update, however other things could be worked with in updates...
I'm not sure if the flipping between tuners thing is a TIVO patent thing or not,if not, maybe that is something that could be updated at a later date Have you seen the HR20-700 Tips and Tricks that has been going around, there are a few things I found of interest....
As for the not being able to flip between tuners... try recording one and watch the other, then you can go back to the one that is being recorded and then back to the original channel as well.

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