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Oct 17, 2003
December 18 is now the official target date for the launch. The question has been a missing fiber link into Hartford?. We have been told to be ready, I think this is it.
You know if they are still going to do the press confrence?

Why would they do a press confrence for some podunk city like Hartford ?

j/k Happy Thanksgiving
yes as far as i know, Dnsc was given the green light to be ready,this notice is always one week before the launch. I confirmed with Baltimore and they feel it will go down on thursday the 18. I will have more info next week and will advise
Locals cannot be selected ala-carte. 5.99 for all UNLESS there is a retrans dispute between Dish & one of the 4 major networks...then its 4.99 until such dispute is resolved.

Installing DP34, Dpro LNBF's on Dish 500 & 300


Trying a Poor man's Superdish.... Problems - Please help

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