Has anyone checked the bit rate of HBO HD or Cinemax HD with a BUD?

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 27, 2006
The transponders on Galaxy 13 indicate 47 mb/s for two HBO HD channels and 40 mb/s for two Cinemax HD channels but cable companies are usually broadcasting those channel between 10-14 mb/s. Has anyone checked the distribution bit rate of those channels with a BUD? Is the map correct and a lot of bandwidth is wasted (most others seem to deliver air ready broadcasts) or is the map wrong?

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The two Cinemax HD channels range from 10 to 14 Mbps each. There are about 20 Mbps of null packets in the mux.

The two HBO HD channels range from 9 to 12 Mbps each. There are also two SD channels in the mux at 5 Mbps each.
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Echostar 600

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