Has anyone's 811 installation been rescheduled lately?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 21, 2003
I'm currently scheduled to have my 811 installed on Monday 1/19. My original date was 12/29, and was just wondering if E* had caught up to demand for the 811. In other words, how likely am i to finally having my receiver installed?
MIne is for the 24th. Better not get one or I am just gona order cablevisions HD ( I am probably better of anyway if I do).
I've been waiting for over a month and after four cancel appointments (first two were be me). Next schedule date is 1/22. Last cancel date was last Monday.
I'm afraid i'll have to cancel them as well i if i get "the call". I was reviewing Charter's digital cable offers, and they have the option of renting a receiver for $5 a month which isn't too bad.
My 6th install is slated for the 17th - the guy already knows if its not in by this install, I'm cancelling it.. so tomorrow I expect to get the dreaded call at work, followed 10 minutes later by a confirmation that my order was cancelled, and then I wait for D* TivoHD.

Or.. I can post a new thread Saturday about my nice new 811 and how InsectiaHD looks - just not counting on it!


EDIT: Dish called and confirmed they physically have the 811 and are installing tomorrow morning! 811/301 plus all the installation goodies. Insectia here I come!!! Maybe it'll snow in New Orleans this year afterall :shock:
Just got the call from Dish.... TO CONFIRM MY APPOINTMENT! I hope that is a good sign!

:D :D :D
My 811 arrived today :D It had been scheduled for Dec 26th then postponed until after 1/15. Installer showed up at 9:15, done by 10am
No chance so far to see about bugs...
I can't even order one - got put on the 4 to 6 week waiting list and will receive a call and postcard when it becomes available.

Guess I missed out on the 149.00 price deal, unless they carry it past 1-31-04

Oh well , just my luck
Looks like 3rd time is a charm and the the appointment is scheduled for tomorrow. Got a confirmation call today. Woo Hoo.. No the fun will begin.
j allen

i am on the list with you! i called 2 weeks ago to be put on it...then i called again today and was put on the same 4-6 week list. so...its the 4-8 week list i guess

if its march by time they come out here...no deal
I originally ordered in mid Dec., and dish cancelled twice. They installed it last Friday. I'm in southern california.
My 4th install appointment was scheduled for today. The key word there is was. I called last night to confirm and was told that I am now scheduled for Feb. 11.
Kudos to E*. I can't think of a better way to increase cash flow in these trying times for business. Offer a great promotion, charge the customer immediately and then don't deliver any product for over two months.
I am sooo pissed and feel like I have been scammed.
Are most of these recent cancellations for existing customers, or are you guys getting canceled under new Plans?
Well 3rd time the charm. My 3rd appointment was kept and I have an 811 installed. I wrote a review up on DBSTalk and I am happy overall with the unit. THere are some warts for sure, but with E* that is to be expected.
Third Date to be installed

I am a new order in Easter Iowa. I placed my order a week or two before christmas and was scheduled for that Sunday. Got the call saying no 811's and that they'd call when they got one. Called E* and they said I was scheduled for the 18th and that since I was leaving the country on the 12th they'd try to install on the 15th? I told them that was no help and someone would be there between 12p and 5p on the 18th for the install. My wife called E* on the 17th to make sure everything was still on since we hadn't heard anything and they said "sorry, you are now scheduled for 2/22"?!?! :confused: First of all thanks for making me wait two months for a product they had no problem charging me for, secondly they don't tell people when they get rescheduled?!?! I'm wicked pissed at this whole thing and am considering a cancelation and going with our local cable company's, mediacom's, hd package and waiting for them to get ESPNHD added to their package. All I can say is ";alskdnf;asndv;qinhdwpogfnasdjkv;n" as I beat my keyboard in anger! Anyone in Iowa get their 811 yet?

email addy to report poor local quality

Will an 811 function on 431i/1081i inputs?

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