I do a fair amount of FT8. I've worked all 50 states almost 50 countries without really trying.
I also have a TS 2000x.
Don't know about the rig blaster, I'm using a homebrew interface. But I do know what it takes to get audio into and key up the TS-2000, what works and what doesn't.
Do you have WSJT controlling the frequency of your TS2000 via RS232?
CTS needs to be at 1. You can't key a TS2000 via the RS232 port. You have to either pull the TX line low on the ACC2 back panel connector, key the rig at the mic jack, or use VOX with the mic jack audio. VOX won't work with the audio going into the rear ACC2 connector. This is all from memory, which is dangerous to do at my age.
I use RTS to switch a transistor to key the rig via ACC2.
I have wire antennas up for 160 to 10 meters and a 1/4 GP for 2 meters. I hope to get my beams for 6, 2, 70, & 23 back up this summer.
Until then we might be able to make it on 2m with FT8. When I had my 70cm beam up, I could talk to some parts of Albuquerque on 432 SSB.
I'll be away all day today, but around the next few days. I'm sure when can figure this out and maybe even have a QSO.